Academic writing: the pros and cons of paying someone to write it for you

Academic writing: the pros and cons of paying someone to write it for you

If you’ve been a student or are presently studying, you’ll understand the pressures of academic essays and deadlines. Given the chance and the assurance of not getting caught, most people would likely get someone else to do it. A recent survey found that more than 20,000 university students pay for essays and dissertations, which shows that this is a more than just a thought for many. So, what are the pros and cons of using academic writing services?

Pros of Using Academic Writing Help

  1. It saves time. Essay writing takes as much time as you are ready to spare for it. Sometimes it is just all the time you or your kid have. From one point of view, it is totally understood — students should study, and they should spend most of their time on it. However, the most recent studies and the realities of life show that being snowed under the pile of assignments all the time and dealing with them heroically is not enough to succeed not only in life but also in an educational institution of any level. Creativity counts, inspiration counts, ability to work in group counts. To succeed in these fields and save time for extra activities, volunteering, sports, etc. students have to sacrifice some time from essay writing. If you don’t want it to mean sacrificing grades, it is a wise choice to address a custom paper writing service for hiring someone professional to have your essay, research paper or dissertation written for money.
  2. A difference in quality. Of course, this point is related only to reliable and professional writing services. When you order a custom paper from them, you receive a final draft with an excellent content and perfect formatting. It is a much better example for those who really want to learn something than some theoretical points from the textbooks. Professors often say that to write well you need to read well-written books, the more, the better. Reading helps with grammar and style, but, unfortunately, it has nothing to do with the academic writing and especially formatting of the academic papers, which often affects the final grade drastically. Receiving an expert-written draft you learn from the best and the brightest on practice — it is close to priceless.
  3. No more referencing. Many students complain that one of the most significant challenges with essay writing is a necessity to find valid references and primary sources to base their papers on. It really can be a challenge, especially in college and university. The sources mentioned in the syllabus are mostly rather mediocre and used for so many times that it is easy to come up with a non-unique paper. Though you, of course, have to submit a paper including the required sources, you should find more specific ones yourself. In the custom papers which you receive from agencies, the works cited page is a much and mostly it is provided for free. Writers include links to the databases, online journals, and other sources they take information from, so you can use them more than once. Don’t worry; they can’t include links on sources which can’t be reached openly.
  4. You get a writer as well as a short-term tutor. Trustworthy agencies don’t limit their clients’ access to writers, which means you can ask lots of questions about the content, references, formatting, ways writers use to upgrade their skills, etc. Of course, you can’t turn it into an endless friendly chat, but you can receive valid answers which will make you a better academic writer. Just remember! It’s not enough to receive a piece of advice! To get better, you need to follow it.

Cons of Buying Academic Papers Online

  • It is costly. Though most of the services claim to be cheap, it is often far from the truth. Of course, there are professional and affordable writing companies, but still, using their services often might harm your budget. There are three significant factors which influence the final price of the academic paper: year of education, number of pages and the deadline. The deadline is critical, so it is better if you order the paper right after you receive the assignment — it can save you up to half of the price. Don’t be too eager to order papers from the services with the lowest prices in the market. As an option, you can request a small essay and check the quality. If it is good, you have found a treasure, don’t lose your chance!
  • It can make you lazier. Sometimes it is really hard to say “no” to buying essays online, and when it grows into a habit, it becomes a problem. It makes a student lazier, less responsible and, undoubtedly, less professional in essay writing. It forms a dead circle — students who order too many papers online don’t learn good enough how to write them and need to order more and more to keep grades in order. Pay attention to the patterns and keep the healthy balance not to get into this trap.
  • You may not find a suitable agency from the first time. Unfortunately, sometimes you need to order several essays from different companies to find the most suitable for you. The principle of their work is similar, so you won’t have problems adjusting, just choose the best quality-price balance and stick to the writers you find the most capable both of writing and understanding your requirements.


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