How to face your fears in your career and business

How to face your fears in your career and business

There’s enough negativity in the world without letting your own thoughts destroy your chance of achieving your dreams before you’ve even started.

Do you sometimes want to bite the bullet and go on a particular course, or start a part-time business from home but don’t know why you keep holding yourself back? do you find that you talk yourself out of even starting something you know will be a success, just because you’re afraid of what the outcome will be?

If you’ve answered ‘yes’ to any of the above questions, the chances are you fear failure. You’ve made the first all-important step in turning things around by recognising the fear. Here are some tips to help you follow through your dreams.

Small steps

In his book, ‘The One Thing: The Surprisingly Simple Truth Behind Extraordinary‘ Gary Keller explains the importance of ditching multitasking and focusing on one main ‘thing’ every day. This is the one achievement that is of most importance to us and will make the biggest impact to our day, work, life etc. This is a very freeing process, which Keller says can take about 66 days to get into the habit of doing, but it certainly takes away the pressure of having to focus on so many things, which can be daunting.

Building your confidence will help you

Depending on what the situation is, when you have a fear of failure, it most likely comes from the fact that you lack confidence.

Remember, every problem has a solution

Some problems seem unachievable and impossible at the start, but once you start unpicking them and looking for ways to make them work, they become a lot less daunting.

Sometimes, people fear putting the effort into any piece of work because they are worried that it won’t work out, but there’s much worse than living a life of regret. Not trying something and regretting it for years afterwards

If you are confident in your craft, then you will have less fear of failure. Do you need to do a course that will bring you up to speed? Maybe you can fill those gaps by reading more materials in your industry – industry publications and get some books n the latest methodology in your sector?

Write down your achievements

There’s nothing better than being ale to look back on your achievements as you’re striving for even bigger and better ones. Write down all your milestones and celebrate everything you achieve. This will give you a confidence boost like nothing else, and will help you to keep striving for even more success.

Every problem has a solution

You need to realise that every problem has a solution and only time will reveal the answer. If for some reason you do “fail” not to have tried would have been an even bigger failure. Every time you put yourself out of your comfort zone and try something new, you are edging closer and closer to finding the solution to a problem, which is something you should be proud about.

Don’t live a life of regret

You can avoid living a life of regret by taking action – take little steps every day and set yourself some achievable goals every month. This will break down your to-do list and make your targets more achievable.

Don’t give up

Whatever you do, don’t lose faith in yourself. Keep pursuing your dreams 0 to give up is to fail, but to try is to get closer to success.


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