Don’t worry, we’re not going to suggest you walk around the motorway with a lanyard strapped to you, buggy in tow!
Here are some easy and realistic things you can do:
Talk to strangers
Yes, it might be a daunting prospect, and no you don’t want to look like a (complete) weirdo, but when you get chatting to people in the supermarket queue, or in passing in the local coffee shop, you can drop your job search into the conversation. You never know who they are and who or what they know…it could give you a lead to a new job, or some tips and advice on where to look.
Let your church friends know you’re on the job hunt
If you’re not a church body, you can skip this part, or find a local church to go to! If you do go to church, however, tell everyone who’ll listen. Arrive early at church so you can mingle and don’t leave in a rush – get to know people and tell them that you’re looking for a new job. Most churchgoers love to help people out, and they may also know who to speak to at church if they don’t know themselves.
Keep it in the family
Among the family gripes, small talk about the kids and Christmas, why not let family members know that you’re looking for a new job? Aunts, uncles, cousins and the rest may have connections or suggestions that could lead to your next job.
Tweet your way to a new job
If you’re online a lot, you’ll likely have read reports about people who created videos etc to find a job, and ended up with the job of their dreams. Tweet your expertise, what you are looking for, and your job search tales. You never know who’s watching your profile…