Four ways to make money from your content online

Four ways to make money from your content online

There are some people’s think having a blog or website alone doesn’t make money, but the truth is that they can be a money spinner if you know what to do, and what to sell.

Here are four ways you can make money writing online:

1. Sell articles to other people
If you’re an expert in your field and have access to exclusive information or have a contact book that’s like the Yellow Pages then you can put that to use by writing for other publications, websites and even blogs.

All you need to do is get in touch with the relevant publications and show them that you know your stuff and that you have good writing ability and contacts. Many publications will expect that you have some samples of your work to show, but if you don’t you can start its your own blog or website – show what you can produce and direct people to it when you make a pitch.

2. Start your own subscription-base blog or website
Just like magazines and newspapers like The Times that have a subscription only access to their content, there are other niche websites that use the same model. If you are an expert, spend some time compiling useful information and guides that will be of benefit to other people in your industry. This could be entry level professionals or even top executives who need access to this information a d are willing to pay a monthly, quarterly or even yearly premium for the privilege.

3. Produce a newsletter and sell adverts in them
Magazines and newspapers do it all the time – even we do. Have you noticed that your weekly newsletter subscription contains adverts to other products and/or services? These are either rapid for outright or are affiliate banners that earn the company money each time someone clicks on the advert or buys from the company (following the click).

4. Become an affiliate for other products and services
Writing about products and services you either like, have purchased and/or find useful on your blog or website for like-minded people is a other way to make money. You just need to include a ‘link’ to the website that sells the product and if any of your readers buy the product, you get a commission.

Websites like Amazon have well-established affiliate programmes, but they are just one of many others that do, so do some Google searches and you’ll come across some products or services that are of interest to you and your audience.


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