Now that all schools have (finally) broken up for the summer, it’s a time for working parents to have more quality time with the kids. It it’s not without a cringe or two – for the children, anyway.
Research by Zeamu Music on 700 children aged between 4 and 10, a new record label for children, found that parents taking to the dance floor after one Pimms too many topped the list of embarrassing parent behaviour.
Asked what they do not like most about the summer holidays, children said:
- Parents embarrassing me (64%)
- Having to do more chores around the house (26%)
- Going to family events e.g. weddings (8%)
- Not seeing my school friends (2%)
Asked what they find most embarrassing about their parents when they go on holiday, they said:
- Dancing (73%)
Wearing swimming trunks and costumes (15%)
Building giant sandcastles (10%)
Falling asleep with their mouth open (2%)
But it’s not all doom and gloom – they do enjoy some things about the school summer holidays:
Not going to school (81%) – but we knew that!
Being able to do what I want to do (8%)
Staying up later (6%)
Going away on holiday (5%)
When children were asked who they thought were the worst dancer out of their parents, dads topped the vote again with 89% of the children voting them the most cringeworthy, compared to just 11% of of mums.
Child psychologist Barbara Bishop commented on the findings:
“As children reach primary school age, they become far more aware of their parents’ behaviour – what they wear, what they look like, how loud they are, how sunburnt dad got on the first day on the beach!
It’s always a tricky balancing act for parents who need to relax and let their hair down on holiday but also take their kids’ needs and feelings into consideration.”