Government pledges to make recycling easier when we’re on the go

The government has pledged to make it easier for us to recycle when we’re out and about.

Recycle on the Go is a new initiative by environment minister Joan Ruddock to put accessible recycling bins in public places. And it’s already started, with The Royal Parks rolling out a recycling bin pilot in Hyde Park in the next three months.

Bins will now feature the Recycle Now logo so people can identify where and how to recycle cans, bottles and paper.

Visiting Hyde Park to launch Recycle on the Go, Ruddock, said:? “We know that most canned and bottled drinks are consumed outside the home, when people are out and about. Even the most dedicated recycler is unlikely to take these home with them and add them to their household recycling.

“Often, the only responsible option is to put them in litter bins, and this means that large quantities of aluminium, plastic and glass are slipping through the net and effectively become rubbish, end up in landfill, and are lost as a resource.

“Recycle on the Go is about making recycling a natural part of everyday life no matter where people are. But the bigger issue here is about a pushing a behaviour change around how people dispose litter when they’re away from the home.”


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