Hands up those who have goodled a colleague, potential partners, or even exes…
If your hand is down, it seems you can breath easy, because you don;t fall into the 50% bracket of UK females who are likely to stalk their exes online!
According to a recent survey of more than 1,700 Brits, half have used people search sites and social networks to spy on former partners and ?enemies?.
Women were more likely to search for exes, with 62% admitting that they had on at least one occasion used the internet to look for an ex-partner. Men, surprisingly, are not as close behind, with 46% of men admitted to the same.
The research was conducted by people search site www.yasni.co.uk in a bid to understand who people search for online, and why. The results showed that 97% of those surveyed have searched for themselves online via search engines and people search websites in a bid to find out just how much information is online about them.
Expectedly, the results showed that 96% of people have searched for friends and family online, although just 46%, admitted to searching for people they claimed to dislike on people search and social network sites.
The third most common people search online is for celebrities and public figures, with 93% of people claiming to have searched on social networks and search engines for a well-known individual. When participant responses were broken down, the over 30s were much less likely to search for famous people via search engines and on social networks than younger more fame obsessed counterparts; 86% and 100%, respectively.
The results showed that 54% of respondents had searched for an ex-partner online. But once was not enough for some, as when asked ?if you have searched for an ex-partner online, have you searched for that ex-partner on more than one occasion?? more than a quarter of people agreed, meaning that 1 in 4 people have used online channels to check up on ex-lovers more than once.
When asked ?if you have searched for an ex-partner online, what were your reasons?? curiosity was the majority answer, followed by jealousy, with 57% and 21% respectively. 9% answered to the option ?because I knew I wouldn?t be caught?.
When broken down regionally, women in Newcastle are more likely to stalk an ex online, proving the ?fiery? stereotype.