The Maternity Allowance is a benefit that was created to help new mothers with the costs of pregnancy and childbirth. The allowance is paid for up to 39 weeks and is available to mothers who are not eligible for Statutory Maternity Pay. In order to qualify for the allowance, you must have been employed or self-employed for at least 26 weeks in the 66 weeks leading up to your due date
The Maternity Allowance can be used to help cover the costs of things like maternity clothes, childcare, or anything else related to your pregnancy and childbirth. Here are some tips on how to make the most of your Maternity Allowance:
1. Save it for a rainy day.
It’s always a good idea to have some savings set aside for unexpected expenses. Your Maternity Allowance can be used as a nest egg for those rainy days. When you have extra money, put it into savings so that you have it when you need it.
2. Use it to pay off debt.
If you have any outstanding debts, now is a great time to use your Maternity Allowance to pay them off. This will help you get started on your financial journey with a clean slate.
3. Invest in your future.
You can use your Maternity Allowance to invest in your future by taking courses or buying materials that will help you advance in your career.
4. Enjoy some me-time.
Pregnancy and childbirth are both physically and emotionally exhausting experiences. Use some of your Maternity Allowance to take care of yourself. Get a massage, go for a manicure/pedicure, or buy yourself some new clothes that make you feel good about yourself.
5. Splurge on your baby.
Let’s be honest, babies are expensive! Use some of your Maternity Allowance to buy clothes, supplies, or anything else that you need for your new arrival.

6. Give back.
If you are fortunate enough to not need all of your Maternity Allowance, consider donating some of it to a charity of your choice.
All in all, your maternity allowance is money that’s meant to help you and your baby during this time – so spend it wisely! Don’t be afraid to ask for help when it comes to budgeting or financial planning, as there are plenty of resources available.