Balancing Work and Homeschooling

Balancing Work and Homeschooling

If you’re a working mum who is also homeschooling your children, you know that it can be a challenge to balance everything on your plate. Between Zoom meetings and lesson planning, it’s easy to feel like you’re being pulled in a million different directions. But don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. Here are some tips for balancing work and homeschooling as a working mum.

1. Set aside time for yourself.

In order to be able to effectively balance work and homeschooling, it’s important to make sure that you’re taking some time out for yourself. Whether it’s getting up a few minutes early to enjoy a cup of coffee in silence or taking a break in the afternoon to read your favourite book, carve out some time each day where you can focus on yourself. This will help you feel refreshed and ready to take on whatever challenges the day may bring.

2. Get organised.

One of the best ways to balance work and homeschooling is to get organised. This means setting up a schedule for both your work and homeschooling commitments and sticking to it as much as possible. Use a planner or create a document on your computer where you can track what needs to be done each day. This will help you stay on top of everything and avoid feeling overwhelmed.

3. Create a learning space.

If possible, create a dedicated learning space for your child at home. This doesn’t have to be anything fancy, just a spot where they can sit down and focus on their schoolwork without distractions. Having a designated learning space will help them take their schooling more seriously and make it easier for you to get work done while they’re occupied.

4. Take breaks.

It’s important to remember that both you and your child need regular breaks throughout the day. Make sure to schedule in some time for playfulness and fun so that everyone stays sane! Balance is key when it comes to juggling work and homeschooling, so make sure not to overdo it.

Working mums who are also homeschooling their kids know that it’s not an easy task. But by following these tips, you can find a way to balance everything on your plate and keep everyone happy (most of the time). Just remember to take breaks, stay organised, and give yourself some time each day to relax—you deserve it!


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