No one’s perfect, but if you’re always losing something, it’s time to make some changes. You can’t keep losing your car keys, door keys, purse, head (joking!) so often and just label yourself a ‘scatterbrain’ – do something about it and change, now!
Stop laughing it off before you become a laughing stock! If you want to be taken (more) seriously at work, or in business, and at least look like you’ve got it together, these tips will help you.
1. Become a creature of habit
As soon as you walk through your front door, have a specific (safe) place to put your keys and handbag that’s out of reach from opportunists (aka thieves).
Try a hallway organiser like the Umbra Estique Hallway Organiser, £15, by Red Candy to pop in your mobile, sunglasses, letters and even hang up your jacket on. Or the wooden Umbra Woodrow Wall Hook, £40, that has five hooks to hang your hat and coat and hold your keys and mobile.
If, like a lot of busy working mums, your phone travels with you around the house and even makes it to the bedroom, a bedroom pocket might just do the trick. Something subtle like this Gyrofish one is big enough to hold your mobile, iPad and favourite book.
2. Put things together in their categories
If your lipgloss is in your glove compartment, and your pressed powder is in a tote bag you used at the weekend, and the your eyeliner on the dresser, is it any wonder you can’t find anything when you need it?
If you need to dull out the background noise on your commute, leaving your headphones behind can make or break that pleasurable ride in to work. This quirky Happy Earphone Case by Wild and Wolf, is a must. If your handbag is like a demonstration kit for Apple, you’ll want something that can hold more than that – like a Technology Organiser by Nomad Essentials on Etsy. It doesn’t have the most girly of colours, but it is meant for inside your handbag, not your shoulder, so as long at it does the job, we’re good!
3. Put things back in their rightful home!
The exclamation mark is not incidental – one sure way of finding things is when they are put back where they’re supposed to be. This habit is a sure way of not losing things and is one way of making sure that you can cultivate that creature of habit system mentioned before.
4. Pack your things night before
I bet that’s not the first time you’ve been given that piece of advice – take it, your life will be transformed!