Parents feel the pinch most during the school summer holidays, finds poll

Parents feel the pinch most during the school summer holidays, finds poll

The average family will spend £2,102.16 per child keeping their children entertained during the summer holidays*, according to the results of a recent poll carried out as part of the Mums’ SOS (Summer of Stress) campaign for the drink brand Royal Crown Cola.

Out of 1,000 British mums, more than 56 per cent of families find the summer holidays expensive with the average parent having to fund at least two activities or trips per week for their children (before additional costs such as uniforms and holidays are accounted for).

More than half of mums who were surveyed were forced to take extra measures in order to survive the summer spending. The top three most common coping mechanisms were working extra hours (30 per cent), using an overdraft facility (16 per cent) and borrowing money from a family member (10 per cent).

Ally Whitehead, Brand Manager for RC Cola, said: “We have decided to launch a new campaign, Mums’ SOS, to give something back to mums up and down the country. Over the summer, we will be organising free activities, prize giveaways and lots of top tips for all the hardworking mums out there and we urge anyone wanting to benefit from this to stay tuned to our Facebook page!

For more information about the Mums SOS campaign or RC Cola, visit:


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