Running a business and a family can be a juggle. You are constantly being pulled in both directions, and both are a priority.
So how do other mums manage? Victoria Beckham recently admitted to using a chef three times a week, a housekeeper and a nanny. SO what do the rest of us do on a less smaller budget?
1. Don’t ditch the business cards
If you aren’t great at online promotion yet, but do a lot of face to face work, don’t ditch your business cards just yet.
Keep them in all your handbags, your purse,your car – you never know when you’ll need them.
If you attend trade shows, but always seem to run out, there are printers that can provide you with next day business cards, so don’t let that be your excuse!
2. Cook and freeze
Yep – even the rich do it, and thanks to Victoria Beckham admitting it, batch cooking won’t look so frugal.
If you have one day or evening a week where you can spend two to three hours cooking, do it,then put some in the freezer for those busy days.
We love batch cooking because it means your family can eat healthier meals, and you can come home from the school run or work, and know that there is food ready and waiting.
3. Get an assistant
Be realistic – if you are constantly missing deadlines, losing out on business because you respond too slowly to enquiries, then it’s time to change.
Get yourself an assistant to help you free up your time to grow your business. This could be an intern or a virtual assistant who works with you in your home office or virtually.