Real mum profile: Yuliana Topazly of Phase 1 Enterprise Training

Married new mum Yuliana Topazly, 31, is passionate about entrepreneurship and is the director of Phase 1 Enterprise Training and juggles this with managing enterprise activities for London-based universities. She tells how she has managed to juggle a new business with motherhood, and how it has helped her overcome postnatal depression.

Yuliana Topazly Phase 1 Enterprise TrainingWhat work did you do before you set up your company?
I have worked in high education sector lecturing small business development most of my working life, managing students’ enterprise curricular and extra-curricular activities in London-based universities. I have a large portfolio of businesses I have supported from pre-startup stage, so I decided to use my knowledge and experience and my passion for entrepreneurship to start working for myself.

How did you fund the business?
Personal saving and bank loan

What was the motivating factor for staring your own business?
My passion for entrepreneurship and supporting others to start and run their own successful businesses. Also in September 2011, I was diagnosed with postnatal depression after the birth of my daughter, Jessica. Uncomfortable with the idea of anti-depressants, I decided to take on a new challenge, starting Phase 1 Enterprise Training thinking it would be the best therapy – and it has worked!

Talking to many mums, I have realised that self-employment doesn’t feature as a ‘real’ option in much of the advice given out to parents [about work], but with rising childcare costs, running a business that fits around your family could be the answer.

What do you enjoy most about running your own business?
I get to combine my passion for entrepreneurship with my passion for my family in a way that suits me. It’s the best therapy I could imagine. And of course satisfied customers.

Running a business can be a mixed bag sometimes. What have been you highs and lows so far?
Highs – securing the first customer and getting positive feedback for the service I provided.
Lows – dealing with postnatal depression while trying to get everything set up for the launch of the business.

How have you managed to stay on top of your career with the demands of motherhood while running a business?
With careful planning, determination to succeed and support from my family.

How has running your business impacted on your relationship with your partner and children?
I am lucky to have a very supportive husband who helped me to get over my condition and set up a business. It helped to bring our family together.

Any tips for expectant mums, or mothers who feel that you can’t have a successful career and a happy family life at the same time?
Just go for it! It might be hard in the beginning, but it is certainly one of the most rewarding things you would ever do.


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