how to keep your home warm during winter

How to Keep Energy Costs Low This Winter

Winter has arrived, and for some homeowners, that will mean a few different things. First, you’ll probably be preparing for the festive season, and planning some family-wide celebrations that are going to cost you a fortune. Secondly, you’ll also be paying a little more than usual on your energy bills, particularly when you want to keep your home warm and cosy for everyone that visits.

How to save money on stationary

How to save money on stationary

From the kids printing in full colour to you keeping your home office stocked up with the things you need to do your work, the cost of stationary can soon add up.

So, how exactly do you keep costs down, and still keep everyone happy? Here ares come tips:

How to spring clean your finances

How to spring clean your finances

In times of austerity just about every savvy mum is looking for ways to claw back money and use it elsewhere, or save for those rainy days. It’s dull, boring, and sometimes a bit disheartening when you look at the cost of living your life and having a family to look after, but if you don’t take the bill by the horns, no one else can do it for you…

Here are three quick tips to help you deck utter your finances:

9 ways working mums can save money on food shopping

9 ways working mums can save money on food shopping

Food is one of the highest bills for most families, and quite often it’s buying the right things at the wrong prices. As working mums, we tend to take ownership of the food shopping so it’s one area that we have control over and can make a huge financial impact on.

Here are a few tips to help you stretch your budget further still or save money on the food shop:

How to save money on your prescription glasses for you and the family

How to save money on your prescription glasses for you and the family

Broken frames, scratched lenses, lost glasses… The cost of being a glasses wearer can start to rack up when you are accident prone.

And if you have young adventurers in you house, who always find something fascinating to do with the contents of your handbag, then you’re more susceptible to accidents and the cost of paying for two tiny pieces of glass and a bit of metal or plastic can be costly.

Product review: back to school uniforms

Product review: back to school uniforms

When it comes to buying uniform for the start of the new school year, it can be a bit of a conundrum – spend less and save money risking poor quality school wear, or spend too much and get burnt when your young ones ruin their uniform.

We review some products from Vertbaudet…well worth a watch!

3 tips to save time, money and hassle

As a working mum, you may be quite familiar with the feeling that you’re always trying to keep up with something – your child’s social calendar, your work commitments and managing the family budget.

There will doubtless be days when you feel that the demands of your family life are pressuring your work life, or that the same thing is happening in reverse.

20120618-154419.jpgThere are some things you just won’t be able to avoid, but you can avoid a good deal of the stress by managing your business and financial life with care. This sounds obvious, but often finances can take a backseat to other tasks.

If you’re busy all the time taking the kids to school, going to work, picking them up from school, etc., you may find it hard to take the time aside to make sure that you are budgeting your finances well, and doing things to save money.

However, spending a little bit of time on these things can pay off in the long run.

A good place to start is by looking for simple, easy ways to save money on everyday expenses or products. Of course, this is easier said than done, but here are a few specific ideas that may help you to get started: