Tips on advertising your business online for free or for next to nothing

Tips on advertising your business online for free or for next to nothing

Once you have started your business, the next thing that you are going to want to do is to advertise your product or service so that you can get more customers. If you leave it to word of mouth only at the beginning, business will likely be slow and this can be demotivating and financially crippling,

Most small businesses have a very limited (or non-existent) advertising budget. If that shoestring is so thin and you really can’t afford to pay out for much-needed advertising, here are some free and cheap ways to advertise your business online.

Email signature
One of the best places to advertise is on your email signature. If you send out a lot of personal and business emails, then you should have your business details in your signature. It’s a non-threatening way to advertise your business, and sometimes people click on it without even realising what it is. Don’t make your email signature too long or complicated, just let them know what it is that you do.

There are plenty of networking sites around that allow home business owners to advertise their products and services – the Mumpreneur Business Directory is just one of them, but the internet is packed with many others.

Networks are a good way to connect with other businesses and meet some new friends, as well as find new clients.

It goes without saying that you should also make use of free social networks like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Pinterest, too.

If you have a blog, advertise your business on your blog! Make sure that you choose good, solid keywords when you write about your business so you can get the SEO benefits. Be sure to let people know what you’re selling. Make your advertisement stand out, make it noticeable, and make it interesting.

Not only are forums are good place to meet people who share a common interest of problem, but they are also great places to advertise.

If you already use forums, let you connections know about your business, and add it to your forum signature. Be careful, though – once you have added your website address, make sure you act in an appropriate manner online, because your customers may start to see you threads when they search for your business online, and if you are being rude and obnoxious you’ll probably put them off.


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