‘Failure’ should not be a dirty word. It really shouldn’t. But for many, the fear of failure can be the main reason why there is no motivation even to try, to take that first step. It really shouldn’t be.
Think about it. If we didn’t take our first step as babies, wobble and fall a few times, we would still be crawling on the floor like another classification of animal. Yes, it’s true that babies are fearless, that they don’t know about danger and failure, but the first time a baby takes a hard fall, screams and cries in pain, they learnt the pain of failure. So why do they carry on going?
Let’s have that determination to keep taking another step and never to give up. The courage to keep trying is why I use the example of playing Super Mario (you’ll understand it better when you listen to the podcast!)
In this podcast, I pour my heart out about business failure, how it is crucial in some ways, and finally what it means. I discuss the many twists and turns I’ve experienced during my business journey, and how the ‘failures’ have helped me get to the business success that I so wanted.
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