From the moment children step into the education system, it can feel like we lose a lot of insight about what is going on in their day. If you’ve ever been in a position where your child comes home and complains about something, but when you ask their class teacher you sense that you aren’t being given the complete teacher, it can be a frustrating experience.

Roll onto secondary school and, as much as we may welcome our child’s newfound independence, it seems that parents have even less insight into what the school day looks like.
One of these areas is with regards to sex education, in particular LGBTQ, and whether parents should have a say on if and how schools should continue informing their children without their consent. A petition was recently created on requesting that parents get ‘the right to opt their child out of relationship and sex education’.
On today’s podcast, our founder and editor, Joycellyn Akuffo, discusses whether LGBTQ has taken over the entire ’equality’ term with working mum of two, Phyllis. And importantly, whether parents are overreacting.