We?ll here?s something novel? the opportunity to win one of 5 ultimate Style Goddess style guides from an exciting new website called

The website was founded by professional personal stylist Chantelle Znideric, who has made the whole experience of working with a personal stylist simple, time efficient and hugely cost effective. Within minutes and after completing a quick style questionnaire, you will be able to download your very own personalised style guide and learn exactly what you should be wearing and how to wear it, all specific to you of course.

You?ll learn what colours to wear, the ideal capsule wardrobe for your lifestyle, heaps of styling tips for your body shape and loads more ? in fact over 25 pages full. You?ll even have the ability to email unlimited fashion agonies to your very own dedicated iStylista body shape stylist for 12 months!


All you need to do is send an email to with STYLE in the subject head by 7th February 2008. Winners will be contacted by 10th February 2008.

If you can?t wait for the competition you can benefit from our exclusive 15% discount off a premium Style Goddess style guide by simply entering this code at the beginning of your style questionnaire EEEJ-ZWF2-MB.


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