Banish the bags…top tips for looking less tired

Ask a working mother what her number one beauty concern is and you can be sure of her response.

Balancing work and motherhood means feeling and looking tired is par for the course, Dr Mike Comins, Medical Director of The Private Clinic agrees: “Looking and feeling exhausted after having a baby is to be expected to some degree and this tiredness is usually exasperated when women go back to work.”

He adds: “Typically, after having children, skin can become very dry and look more aged, with deeper lines and dark circles starting to appear.”

Working mothers find themselves under a lot of pressure at the office to perform well or even better than their colleagues. Looking tired and stressed doesn’t inspire confidence in others, dark, under eye circles are often cited are mums’ number one beauty concern.

Start with the right products
“Do look for skincare ingredients proven to reduce dark circles around the eyes, such as retinol or vitamin K. Extremely dark circles which can’t be covered up with make up can make you look older and will get noticed by your colleagues. You may need to call in some professional help and it’s a good idea to consult a skin clinic,” advises Dr Comins.

Make time for your skincare routine
Make time for a proper skin care routine which will pay dividends in the long run and don’t be afraid to consider how you can fast-track your way to looking less tired.

“Do consider Botox which can help reverse the look of tiredness. A little around the forehead and eyes will take away some of the frown lines that tend to appear and gently lift the face. Most of my female patients are working women who have to look alert and well in the office and Botox can give you that lift without looking obvious. It can be a real confidence booster for women in the workplace.”

What goes in comes out
Of course it’s not just down to high tech treatments, Dr Comins advises: “Don’t forget that eating well and drinking plenty of water will help with both your energy levels and your skin. Don’t rely on coffee or sugary snacks to keep you going. Swap to green tea and keep a jug of water on your desk to help your fluid intake as dehydration can often be mistaken for tiredness.”

Most women don’t have time for long treatments and certainly can’t afford to have any downtime. “The new Intracel treatment is very good for a tired looking skin; it boosts the skin’s collagen levels, softens lines and tightens up the skin, helping it to look glowing and smooth. It’s a quick treatment that will improve skin over a long period of time – up to two year, so it’s becoming popular with busy women who don’t have much spare time.”

Weight loss can affect your skin, too
“Do remember that skincare can do nothing for loss of volume in the cheeks which will make you look gaunt and older than your years. Yo-yo dieting or dramatic weight loss won’t help you look younger and will deplete your much needed energy levels. If you do want to lose a bit of your baby weight work with a personal trainer or nutritional therapist to help you do it sensibly.”

By Dr Mike Comins, Medical Director of The Private Clinic and founding member of the BACD,

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