As the school summer holidays come to an end, it’s getting harder to fill the final days.
Have you tried playing board games? They are a great way to not only have some fun as a family, but to save some money, too!
Selecting a game for the family be a little tricky if you have kids at different developmental stages, so start by choosing a board game that your youngest child play – newborns excluded.
1. Scrabble is a popular game that’s been loved by families for generations. Think “off the board” a bit and you are able to utilise the letters to younger children learn to be better spellers.
2. If you aren’t in the mood for the deep engrossment of chess and you’d like to play with more than two people, try Chinese. This stirring board game, in which you try to move all your pieces into your opponent’s region before he can move his into yours, can be played with up to six people and learned in minimal.
3. The Game of Life is a Milton Bradley classic. It’s a board game that’s been loved by millions since the sixties. Nowadays, the game is played in 20 different languages and lets players learn about life stages as they collect skills in risk-taking, finance, and decision-making.
4. Snakes and Ladders is great for younger families. It’s great for helping children learn to count, and is a great game to start children with.
5. Ludo is another old favourite for many. Add an extra dice or two and really start having some fun. In my family, we do back kicks, and sidekicks, which means that the game can take a twist and turn unexpectedly, so it’s great to keep the adrenaline pumping.
6. For the family that dreams about property, Monopoly is another great favourite. It teaches children about money, paying taxes, utility bills and the cost of property. If you’ve got a budding Kirsty Allsorp in the family then this one’s for you.
Board games are great time fillers and are simple to pull out if you’re children are bored, or you want to switch off the TV monster for a while. Enjoy!