How to Ask For Flexible Working Hours

How to Ask For Flexible Working Hours

The modern workplace is changing, and more and more employers are offering flexible work schedules to their employees. As a working mother, the opportunity to have more control over your work hours can be a lifesaver. But how do you go about asking your employer for flexible working hours? Here’s what you need to know.

Research and Understand Your Rights

Before you approach your employer, it’s important that you take the time to research your rights as an employee. Depending on where you live and the type of job you have, there may be certain laws in place that protect workers’ rights to flexible working arrangements. You should also look into any company policies or procedures related to the issue of flexible working hours. This will give you an idea of the arrangements that are already in place and what language you should use when making your request. 

What the Law Says

The good news is, as a working parent in the UK, you have certain legal rights to request flexible working arrangements. This means you can ask your employer for things like part-time or flexible working hours that suit your lifestyle better.

For example, if you have children under the age of 17 (or 18 if they are disabled), you are entitled to request flexible working. And the best part? Your employer is legally obliged to consider your request in a reasonable manner. They can only refuse it for specific business reasons. So, it’s definitely worth having a conversation with your boss.

But what if something unexpected comes up and you need to take time off? No problem! Working parents in the UK also have the legal right to take time off for dependants. This includes time off to care for a child or other dependent in an emergency. So, whether you need to stay home with your little one when they’re sick or attend an urgent meeting at their school, you can do so without worrying about losing your job.

Prepare a Proposal

Now that you understand your rights as an employee and what options might be available, it’s time to start preparing a proposal for your employer. Your proposal should include details about why this arrangement would benefit you and the company, such as increased productivity or improved morale among other employees. You may also want to include specific ideas such as reduced shifts or telecommuting opportunities if they are available at your company. Be sure to explain why these changes would make sense for both parties involved. 

Be Ready to Negotiate

Once you’ve presented your proposal, there will likely be some back-and-forth between yourself and your employer before any agreement is reached. It’s important that you remain patient throughout this process and be prepared to negotiate terms with which both sides can live comfortably. For example, if there is a need for occasional face-to-face meetings with coworkers, try suggesting an alternate schedule (such as weekly video calls) instead of traditional face-to-face meetings every day of the week. 

It is possible for working mothers (and all other employees) to get flexible work schedules from their employers – but only if they know how to ask properly and remain open to negotiation. Take some time today to research your rights as an employee and prepare a proposal outlining why this arrangement would benefit you and the company; then approach your employer with confidence knowing they cannot say no without considering all of the facts first! With patience, persistence, and well-prepared proposals, most employers will eventually come around—so don’t give up hope! With these tips in mind, asking for flexible working hours can be easier than ever before!


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