I’ve reviewed the Maclaren Volo pushchair this year – and foudn it to be a very good pushchair, so you can imagine by shock when I was watching the news alert on the news late late night.
According to reports, there have been 15 finger amputations on children whose hands have been caught in the hinges of the brand’s Volo, Techno, Quest and Triumph models…which are all available here in the UK. According to Trading Standards, only one incident has occured in the UK, and they are happy that the products in question conform to European safety standards.
Like many people I am a little confused by a number of things:
1. How are these hands (and so many!) getting caught in hinges while these pushchairs are being folded? Are the parents not attentive to their children when this is happening?
2. Why is it ok to recall the pushchairs in the US (http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/world/us_and_americas/article6910784.ece), but us Brits do not have the same priviledge? IS there extra value placed on the fingers of US children?
I’d like to hear the views of other parents out there – especially if you have, or have have used a Maclaren pushchair before…Please send us your comments on our live discussion today…
Please spread the word!