Online Creative Writing Course for Children

Online Creative Writing Crash Course
  • Are you worried about the quality of your child’s writing?
  • Is it a battle to get your child to read?
  • Does your child love everything to do with gadgets but won’t do any book work without a battle?

The Geek School Online Creative Writing Crash Course has been developed for these reasons and more. 

Created by journalist and tutor, Joycellyn Akuffo – the founder and editor of Mothers Who Work, this course is designed to help children find their creative voice for 11 Plus exams, SATs, or any written test, for that matter!

I developed the course with almost 10 years of tuition under my belt and more than a decade’s experience working in print media.

These days, children are so enamoured with technology that it makes sense to develop a course that in a format that they can really enjoy. That’s why I’ve made the course using a series of short, fun and engaging videos and printables to help them really get an understanding of what’s required in all types of writing tasks.

Aside from this, your child can send written work in for marking and detailed feedback. This detailed feedback is often the missing link in the classroom. 

Teachers do an amazing job, but how feasible is it to expect them to give each and every one of 30-odd children detailed one-to-one feedback after every single written piece of work? Not very. This is one of the reasons why many children keep repeating the same mistakes that parents find in their writing. But with this Creative Writing Crash Course, your child can get that individual attention he or she needs.

Head over to to find out how this interactive course can help your child reach literary excellence. 

There’s a free course, too, and lots of resources! And, for Mothers Who Work readers, there’s a 15% discount waiting for you and the first 100 signups at the checkout. Use the coupon code: ONEFORTHEKIDS15


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