Parents blow up to £150 a year replacing lost school uniform because they don’t use name tags and labels

Every parent of a child in nursery or school knows the pain of losing clothing or uniform that is never returned (especially when they are new or expensive items!). If this is a reality for you and your children you and your fellow school run mums are not alone!

Recent research shows that the average family could spent up to £150 this school year replacing lost school uniform… but despite this, 64% of parents don’t use name tags to help prevent this.

My Nametags’ research reveals that nearly half of the 980 parents surveyed estimate that they spend more than £100 on lost school uniform each year (including 30% who expect to spend more than £150).

Given the cost of uniforms, not labelling them will ultimately cost a two-child family more than £1,000 in replacement clothing as their children pass through primary and secondary schools.

Lars Andersen, Managing Director of My Nametags says “Unlabelled uniform may languish in the school’s lost property box, but they often don’t even end up there. Much uniform disappears when it is inadvertently taken home by other children. Labels cost the same as a couple of pairs of socks, yet through the small effort of using nametags in children’s clothing, parents will feel the financial benefits throughout the year.”

The survey shows that around 64% of families don’t use name tags for their children’s school uniform. With nametags costing around £11, this can lead to a significant saving on replacing school uniform, and these days there are a variety of application formats – sew ons, stickers, iron ons…

Around 20% of those questioned with children said they regularly lose items of school clothing, highlighting this problem.

Full details of the research by My Nametags can be viewed online by clicking here.

Joycellyn Akuffo

Founder and editor of, a mother of two wonderful children, wife, entrepreneur (check out and journalist.

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