Put the Buzz Back into your Workout

Put the Buzz Back into your Workout

Accountability is everything! So, let me introduce you to my new workout partner…none other than the Power Plate. This machine may look like a cute cub, with all the accessories etc., but it is a fully grown lion, with teeth!

The plan is to follow the ‘Healthy Mums Programme’ and get snatched! 

What is the Power Plate?

It is a vibration machine that helps your workout do more over a shorter period. So, imagine that you would love to (have the time) to spend two hours on a treadmill. A bit drastic for most of us mere exercise-shy mortals, but let’s say you dreamt of having the staying power and the lean legs to carry you through such a gruelling workout. That’s two whole hours worth of running. Which equals time and pain, in my book!

Well with the Power Plate, you can do. Fifteen minutes of workout on it feels like it has the effect of say 10 hours of running on the treadmill – at least that’s what my thighs tell me! But in actual fact it is still an impressive 5.8 times acceleration on your workout, according to Power Plate.

I wish I could lie and say it’s a cheat. Honestly, this portable workout must-have doesn’t look nearly are terrifying as some of the vibration plates in the gym, but it does work out muscles you don’t even feel moving when you’re using it.

I’m doing the Power Plate ‘Healthy Mums Programme’, which is a bespoke fitness programme that targets all the essential areas that any Mum trying to lose weight will want to target: the abs (or lack of); thighs; and even pelvic floor muscles.

I’ve got through week one – just about! The exercises are short but very intense. The Programme only asked for a commitment of four days per week to run through the drills, but the rest days are much-needed. I was sore in places the Power Plate doesn’t look like it could ever reach.

The Healthy Mums Programme is available to order at www.johnlewis.com, where it retails at £1,550.

Keep watching for regular updates! I’ll run through what’s in the box in another update soon!


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