Weekendvy and the lies told about the weekend

Weekendvy and the lies told about the weekend

It’s not often we get a survey sent to Mother Who Work Towers that make me chuckle. In this case, my fit of giggles was in the knowing that some of the results must be true!

The years of working in the media and cringing whenever someone asks what my weekend was like, and the truth is that is was filled with child or baby-related activities I knew would bore most people to hear about, but was a special moment for me and my hubby.

You know when you go back to work on Monday and you haven’t had the most exciting weekend going, and every other person in the office asks you what you’ve been up to. It’s not even because they care, but the question often comes because there doesn’t seem to be much else to talk about yet (the week is still so young!) and to fill in that awkward silence in the kitchen while everyone makes a brew.

Well, the results are in, according to a survey from Travelodge! And what you suspected all along is true: more than a quarter (26%) of Brits lie about what they’ve done at the weekend on their social media channels.

Half of Brits, according to the survey have a psychological condition called ‘Weekendvy’, where they lie about their activities over the weekend so they can look more interesting, adventurous and fun-loving.

Out of the 2,000 Brits surveyed, Travelodge were able to compile a top-10 list of popular weekend activities that Brits pretend they’ve done:

  1. Paint the town red on Saturday night with their partner or friend
  2. Visit a well-known restaurant
  3. Participate in an adventurous activity
  4. Took a UK city break
  5. Took a romantic break – when really they just re-told of an old holiday
  6. Went to the theatre
  7. Took a shopping break
  8. Stayed in a hotel
  9. Went to the cinema
  10. Did a course or a cookery class

So, next time you’re feeling like motherhood has zapped away at your youth, and you start to reminisce about times of old when you could paint the town red on a Friday, get a lie in and rinse and repeat on Saturday, don’t! You’re probably having more fun at the Peppa Pig Farm than some of your work colleagues.


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