How to save £700 on your food bill by freezing your eggs (no, this is not IVF)

How to save £700 on your food bill by freezing your eggs (no, this is not IVF)

That’s £58.33 a month to spend on other essentials around the house…and it won’t cost you anything to make the saving.

According to the iFreeze, iSave initiative Brits waste hundreds of pounds wasting food every year, when it could be put into the freezer. Instead, we’re storing the strangest things in the freezer instead – do any of these items have a home in your freezer?

How to save money on food during the summer holidays

How to save money on food during the summer holidays

According to the Office of National Statistics, UK families spend between £43.10 and £56.80 on the food shop every week.

That’s quite a big part of the monthly outgoings, but that cost soon multiplies when the kids are home for the school holidays – especially the summer holidays.

So just how can we budget during the school holidays? Here are some tips to help you save:

Foodie Friday: how to make yummy and healthy smoothies even the kids will love

Foodie Friday: how to make yummy and healthy smoothies even the kids will love

If you’re serious about being healthier in 2014, and have made a promise to make sure that your family will have its five a day (fruits and veg, that is), then a great way to start the day is with a smoothie.

All those fruit and veg that you can never get the kids to enjoy can be ‘hidden’ in a yummy berry oat smoothie. Watch this video to get some tips from top chef Gee Charman:

Foodie Friday: the Diet Chef Review

Foodie Friday: the Diet Chef Review

Working mums have enough to juggle and trying to cook separate meals for a healthier diet in a bid to lose weight, can take its toll on time and money.

That’s why we jumped at the chance to review Diet Chef, as it seemed to kill both of those birds with one stone – delivering all meals and snacks straight to our doorstep.

How your child can avoid identity theft while away at university

How your child can avoid identity theft while away at university

Going away to university can have a mix of feelings for you and your child alike – they are fleeing the nest (maybe permanently now they have a taste for it). For them, it may be a welcome chance to break free into independence and with it, some mistakes along the way.

Here are some tips to help them avoid identity theft (some you can apply to yourself, too):

Foodie Friday: the perfect barbecue

Foodie Friday: the perfect barbecue

Now that the sun’s finally out, and looking set to stay for the next week at least, we all want to make the most of the sun. Having a barbecue is something that the whole family can enjoy – and great opportunity to cook fresh foods with lots of healthy salads,too.

If you haven’t got a BBQ and don’t know what to buy, the first video will guide you through that – then you can work your way through making BBQ burgers and tasty chicken wings…finger licking good!

Foodie Friday: Southern spiced chicken recipe

Foodie Friday: Southern spiced chicken recipe

With the bank holiday just around the corner, the temptation to spend money dining out with the family is high.

But, you’d be surprised how easy it is to rustle up something all the family can enjoy – like this recipe for Southern fried chicken. Just add some finger food, desserts and punch and you’ve got yourself a good spread!