How to prioritise when everything is a priority – 5 steps that will (hopefully) change your life

How to prioritise when everything is a priority – 5 steps that will (hopefully) change your life

There are days when you need a priority list for your…priority list. Everything seems important and it just doesn’t seem right to give one thing all your attention when you have one or two other items on your to-do list that have equal importance.

There is no magic cure to this, so don’t get disappointed if this article doesn’t tell you to ditch your annual returns in exchange for something else, for example. but here are five tips you can consider when you really do need to get on top of your to-do list:

Five online tools you’re probably not using in your business, but should be

Five online tools you’re probably not using in your business, but should be

When starting up your own business, it is important to take advantage of the wide range of online tools at your disposal. From comparison sites to cloud services, there are a multitude of services you can utilise to make your start-up more efficient and more profitable.

Here we look at five of the online tools all start-ups should be using.

Four big lies about running an online business

With Christmas practically m our doorsteps, and the new year dawning, many of us will be thinking about things we really need to kick off when 2014 comes a knocking, and starting an online business may be at the top of the list.

Everyone has their own reason for wanting to start an online business, but if your is because you’ve heard that it’s easy money, will make you a millionaire overnight, or you’ll make money without actually having to work for it, then keep reading…

Working from home? Find out if you need insurance cover

Working from home? Find out if you need insurance cover

Working from home is something many working mums want – it’s peaceful (well it can be!), productive and you get to choose your working hours, especially if you work for yourself.

If your work enables you to work from home, you’ll be joining a strong army of people who have turned their dream into a reality – but before you get too caught up in everything, have you checked out your insurance cover?

Three business models you can use to make money from home

Working from home has become the reality for millions of people around the world, thanks to the internet. Our mum friends in the US have taken a lead on this, and it’s not uncommon to find a mother homeschooling her children while running a home-based business at the same time.

If you’re looking for a way to generate money doing just that (homeschooling aside), there are three models you can use to keep a steady flow of cash coming through:

Two simple ways to boost the sales of your online store overnight

Two simple ways to boost the sales of your online store overnight

If I had a pound for online stores with the perfect products but the poorest website structures that I’ve come across I’d be sipping ice tea on a beach somewhere…all year round.

If you have an online business, you have to come up with strategies to help you generate more sales than your competitors…and what better way to do that than by making those customers who are already on your website spend more.

9 things you should be monitoring on your website

Every online business needs to know how its website is doing. That’s the idea behind exit surveys, customer feedback forms, suggestion boxes and other devices that we often see on big brand websites.

Without feedback from your customers and other benchmarks, an online business can take a quick slide down a slippery slope, without you ever seeing it coming, knowing why it has happened or being able to stop the downward spiral.