How to make the leap and change your career

Are you finally ready to move on with your life and take the career change plunge? While it may sometimes feel like you are the only one in the world trying to change your career when everyone else seems settled in theirs and loving what they are doing, the average jobseeker actually changes careers seven times during his or her lifetime.

career change for mumsSo what are the options for successfully making the transition to a new career? Here are some mum-friendly career change options to consider:

Option 1: Volunteering while working in your present career

This option is to stay at your current job while you volunteer work to gain the appropriate work experience you need to move into your new career. You may have to work on weekends, during the evenings or use some of your annual leave, but it is a short-term measure for long-term gain.

Option 2: Get a job doing what you do now, but in the sector you want to move into

Another option is to move to the new company and field and continue doing your normal job role. In doing so, you can carry out work that you feel comfortable with while taking stock of the new environment. This will give you valuable exposure to the new industry you want to work in so that you can informally initiate and be proactive at assisting and helping out in the area of work you want to move into.

It’s not uncommon in such circumstances for employers to help you gain more experience, or even pay for you to study for a new career if you can commit to working with them afterwards.

Option 3: Retrain for a complete career change

In some professions, it is impossible to successfully make the transition without first retraining. This often means getting the professional qualifications the industry sets. Never dive into the first training option that comes your way – do your research to ensure that you select the very best option available to you.

Option 4: leave your current job

Many career changers take a deep dive and decide to forgo working in their present job so they can take on multiple jobs of lower rank in their new chosen field of work, so they can maintain a good level of income while gaining experience. This is a huge step, and for a mum, can be very demanding.

Choosing the right option for you

Selecting an appropriate option or options boils down to what kind of career change you are after and the level of flexibility provided by that industry.

It is critical, therefore, to research and weigh up the best option for you and your family.
You may discover in the process that, for instance, the fastest option is not the best suited to you due to certain the financial implications, or not having the right childcare support available to you, so you may need stagger the transition a little more. Be realistic and set sensible goals that will not frustrate your career change efforts.

Just remember that no matter what your circumstances, you can achieve your career change goal – just be patient and stay focused. To keep things moving as efficiently as they can, start getting the skills you need to begin working on your career change today.

Visit our sister site Change your Career, Change your Life today for more career change tips and advice.

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