Strategies for Avoiding Distractions When Working From Home

Strategies for Avoiding Distractions When Working From Home

As a stay-at-home mum, it can be hard to get things done. There are always distractions: your children may need something, the house needs to be cleaned, you need to make lunch. It can be hard to stay focused on work when there are so many other things vying for your attention. But there are ways to avoid distractions and stay productive, even when you’re working from home. Here are some strategies for avoiding distractions and getting things done:

1. Set office hours and stick to them.

When you’re working from home, it’s easy to let work bleed into the rest of your life. But that’s not sustainable in the long run. You need to set boundaries between work time and family time, and stick to them. That means setting office hours—and making sure your family respects them. Your office hours can be flexible, but it’s important to set them and stick to them as much as possible.

2. Work in short bursts.

When you’re trying to get things done with young children at home, it can be helpful to work in short bursts instead of trying to power through for hours at a time. Set a timer for 20 minutes and focus on work until the timer goes off. Then take a five-minute break before setting the timer again. This strategy can help you avoid burnout and still get things done.

3. Create a distraction-free workspace.

If possible, find a place in your home where you can close the door and really focus on work. But if that’s not possible, try to create a distraction-free zone by decluttering your workspace and putting away any toys or other objects that might tempt you to take a break from work.

4. Set a goal for the day—and start with the easiest task first.

When you’re feeling overwhelmed by everything you need to do, it can be helpful to set a goal for the day—and then start with the easiest task first. That way, you’ll get momentum going early on and be more likely to power through the rest of your tasks successfully. Plus, crossing something off your list will give you a boost of energy and motivation to keep going.

5. Take breaks—but not too many.

It’s important to take breaks when you’re working from home so that you don’t burn out—but if you take too many breaks, it’ll be hard to get anything done! So try to strike a balance by taking one longer break in the middle of the day (for lunch or a quick walk outside) and then taking shorter breaks every 20 minutes or so.


6. Find an accountability partner.

It can be helpful to have someone who understands what you’re going through—and who can hold you accountable when it comes time to actually sit down and get work done. If possible, find another stay-at-home mum who also works from home and touch base with her regularly about how things are going. Checking in with someone else who is in similar circumstances can help keep you motivated and on track.

Working from home can be challenging, but it’s definitely doable—especially if you have young children at home. By following these tips, you can avoid distractions and make progress on your work goals. Staying focused takes effort, but it’s worth it when you see how much you can accomplish. What strategies do you use for avoiding distractions when working from home? Share in the comments below!


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