Five Life-Changing Ways to Stay Organised When Working From Home

Five Life-Changing Ways to Stay Organised When Working From Home

Being a mother is hard work. It can also be difficult when you are a mother that is working from home to balance work with keeping your children entertained and meeting their daily needs. It’s enough to drive even the most together person a little bit crazy.

If you’re struggling to keep your work and home life organised, here are five tips that might help.

Working From Home: Lockdown and Beyond

Working From Home: Lockdown and Beyond

Recent global events have seen many people make the shift from onsite working to remote work in the safety of their own homes.

For some people, working from home is an ideal situation, as it removes the need for a lengthy commute, an early start or added expenses of renting an office or shop space. Meetings can be conducted via Skype or Zoom, and many businesses have taken advantage of organisational software in order to keep things running smoothly. Therefore, both employees and employers may find that working remotely has its benefits – even if the present situation requires parents to homeschool while doing this.

Do you have the right skills and attitude to be a WAHM?

Do you have the right skills and attitude to be a WAHM?

If you’re new here, let me just start by defining WAHM: it is a ‘work-at-home mum’. WAHMs can be self-employed or work for an employer – there are so many options available these days. However, the primary requirement to be called a WAHM is to, well, to work from home.

My first experience of working from home started about 13 years ago, shortly after returning to work from maternity leave. I had applied to work flexibly at work, and the editorial director was so incensed by the audaciousness that she made me a full-time homeworker. I would show up in the office once a fortnight just to stay connected to my work colleagues and to attend meetings.

Summer holidays are looming: how to balance work and family when no work = no money

Summer holidays are looming: how to balance work and family when no work = no money

With the sun out (hopefully) and the children full of cheer at the fun they’ll be having for the next few weeks, you want to keep the atmosphere a fun and positive one. But there’s one cog in the wheel – you have to work.

If yours is a business that is term-time only, kudos to you! But for the rest of us who don’t have that luxury, business has to continue (seemingly) as usual. And here’s how it can.

Five time wasters and how to cut them out of your life for good (Part 2)

If I had a pound for every time a working mum bemoaned how they wished there were more hours in the day, I’d be writing this from a palatial villa somewhere far away with iced cool drink in a tumbler.

Not that it’s always an invalid comment, sometimes, we could all genuinely do with more time to work through all the projects we need to complete.

Work at home scams every mums should be wary of joining

Work at home scams every mums should be wary of joining

Working from home part time or full time is something that appeals to many mums. Whether it’s so you can earn a little extra, or to support a growing young family, you’ll be looking for something that can fit around your family’s demands.

Unfortunately, there are many unscrupulous people out there who play on this, setting up scams using these emotional triggers to leave mums out of pocket.

Video tutorial: how to set yourself up as a freelance or consultant

Work when you want, choose who you work with and for and name your price…these are some of the benefits of being your own boss as a freelance or consultant.

Watch this video tutorial to see how you can set yourself up doing just that, and find out how to get paying clients beating your door down for your services.

Direct selling: selling other people’s products is a great opportunity for mums

Direct selling: selling other people’s products is a great opportunity for mums

There are hundreds of direct selling companies that offer work at home mums the ability to make money and stay home with the children…it’s just a matter of finding the best product that fits your interest, pasion and provides the best financial package for your needs.

When you work in direct sales you are an independent contractor for a company – your role is to sell their products or services, which you then get a commission for selling. We touch on in it our guide Affiliate Marketing: Selling Other People’s Products but this article will give you some more tips.