How to make it work for working mums in the workplace

The Invisible Load: A No-BS Guide for Working Mums Demanding More

The Hidden Reality of Working Motherhood in 2025

The landscape for working mothers in 2025 has reached a critical tipping point. While workplaces now offer hybrid models, remote options, and wellness initiatives, the reality remains that these ‘solutions’ often shift even more responsibility onto mothers. Behind the scenes of polished Zoom meetings and flexible schedules lies an undeniable truth: working mothers are carrying an invisible load that’s both overwhelming and exhausting.

In Lean In, Sheryl Sandberg observed, “We need to stop telling women they can have it all and start supporting them to have what they need.” The conversation has shifted from whether women can ‘balance it all’ to whether workplaces and partners are doing enough to support them.

Understanding the invisible load isn’t just about recognising it—it’s about addressing it head-on, demanding more from systems that continue to undervalue women’s contributions both at home and at work.

Podcast: Mindfulness in the Workplace

Podcast: Mindfulness in the Workplace

Mindfulness is one of those buzzwords that seems to be here to stay. The Collins dictionary describes mindfulness as: “A mental state achieved by focusing one’s awareness on the present moment, while calmly acknowledging and accepting one’s feelings, thoughts, and bodily sensations, used as a therapeutic technique.”In this podcast recording, I speak with mindfulness expert, Audrey Tang about what mindfulness actually means and how to use mindfulness techniques in the workplace.
How to Deal with Criticism at Work and Elsewhere

How to Deal with Criticism at Work Without Losing Your Cool

Hands up if it grates you when you know someone really needs to know something about the way they work or their actions, but you can’t tell them because you know their reaction will leave you feeling like a villain.

Learning how to respond to criticism, and how to deal with the negative things that people say to us is a sign of maturity and personal development. Not everyone comes out of the womb with this gift – but it doesn’t mean we can’t cultivate it or develop it.

Are you a #bossb*tch or just intimidating without realising it?

Are you a #bossb*tch or just intimidating without realising it?

Social stereotypes are everywhere and the workplace is no different! It’s amazing how, even in 2018, women as men do not have a level playing field when it comes to their expected behaviours. If a man is assertive in the workplace, he’s a great boss, or an asset to the team, but a woman doing exactly the same is labelled bossy, confrontational or a b*tch.

Weekendvy and the lies told about the weekend

Weekendvy and the lies told about the weekend

It’s not often we get a survey sent to Mother Who Work Towers that make me chuckle. In this case, my fit of giggles was in the knowing that some of the results must be true!

The years of working in the media and cringing whenever someone asks what my weekend was like, and the truth is that is was filled with child or baby-related activities I knew would bore most people to hear about, but was a special moment for me and my hubby.

How to love your work when you can’t change your job

How to love your work when you can’t change your job

Despite common belief, it’s not always easy to move jobs when you fall out of love with it. Whether it’s because there just isn’t anything else available in a small town, or because you need to upskill or get more qualifications (that you’re either working on or can’t afford to pay for) there are a number of reasons why a job change may not easily be on the cards.

So, besides throwing the towel in or sinking into panic mode every time you walk into your workplace, what can you do about it?

Pomodoro What? Find Out How This Technique Can Change The Way You Work

Pomodoro What? Find Out How This Technique Can Change The Way You Work

Egg timer…check! Twenty minutes to spare…check! Phone on silent…check!

Ok, well that should have given you an insight into what this article is about. A big tick if you’ve worked out that it has something to do with time management. Isn’t it always these days? 

How does motherhood change your career for the better?

How does motherhood change your career for the better?

According to the Equality and Human Rights Commission, women who return to work after maternity leave are more likely to experience discrimination than women did a decade ago. Put into context, 54,000 new mums lose their jobs every year: one in nine are dismissed, made compulsorily redundant, or forced out of their jobs because they are treated so badly that they quit.
If you’re one of those working mums who manages to hang on to your job, or grin through the craziness, give yourself a pat on the back. Here are some of the good effects that motherhood impacts on your career – so you can gloat:

What does a bullet and a journal have in common – and why you should care!

What does a bullet and a journal have in common – and why you should care!

When technology fails, the traditional, fail-safe methods are what we gravitate towards.

You may ignore a reminder, forget to add an important meeting to your Google Calandar, or your battery might run out on your smartphone when you desperately need to confirm a date. But a notebook or a bullet journal won’t leave your side – unless you choose it to be so.

How to face your fears in your career and business

How to face your fears in your career and business

There’s enough negativity in the world without letting your own thoughts destroy your chance of achieving your dreams before you’ve even started.

Do you sometimes want to bite the bullet and go on a particular course, or start a part-time business from home but don’t know why you keep holding yourself back? do you find that you talk yourself out of even starting something you know will be a success, just because you’re afraid of what the outcome will be?

The case for being a working mum: your child will be just fine

The case for being a working mum: your child will be just fine

Convention has it that women cannot have it all, but a report has provided evidence that they can have happy, healthy children and a full-time job after all. So if you’re battling the guilt of going back to work and think it will damage your children in some way, you can rest assured that your child will be just fine.

According to a current study by Dr. Mendolia, a professor at Australia’s University of Wollongong, maternal working hours have no effect on teenagers’ propensity to smoke, have low self-esteem, feel dissatisfied with life or leave school by the age of 16.

How to return to work in your true fabulousness

How to return to work in your true fabulousness

School may be out for summer, but are you set for a return back to work after your maternity leave or a break, raising your child?

Being taken seriously in the workplace does have a lot to do with skill and experience, but looking frumpy won’t win you any accolades either.