There’s a lot of motivation to be gained when you’re up against the clock. It creates a buzz, a surge of adrenaline to do anything but fail.
That’s why we love the trusty old kitchen timer. Use it for maximum success in getting things done and staying on top of work and home chores.
Use it as a reminder
When you’ve just made an important call and know that you need to call back in half an hour or so but don’t want to get distracted an forget, set the kitchen timer. Maybe you need to finish some filing before starting that long and boring piece of work you’ve been avoiding all morning…set the timer!
To limit the time you spend on the phone
We all need need a break sometimes. Have a quick goggle with your other half or best mate can release some endorphins to get you back on track. But make it stay a ‘quickie’ and not a two-hour conversation about everything and nothing. Set the kitchen timer for five minutes and when it rings you (and they) will n ow that it’s time to put the phone down.
To keep fit
You promised you’ll do some exercise at home for 15 minutes and you know you’re a little put of shape…set the kitchen timer so you don’t bail put after five minutes.
For chores around the house
This is one that younger children will enjoy, too. Set the timer for 10 minutes of pure uninterrupted cleaning and turn it into a little game. See if you can clean all the windows in the house in 10 minutes or lay all the beds in 10 minutes. That in itself is exercise!