Get your ship in order: How to lessen the load as a working mum

Get your ship in order: How to lessen the load as a working mum

Forget all notions about being Superwoman. By now, you’ll know that it was fictitious and she didn’t have children anyway!

Being a working mum takes some effort. All the juggling of childcare, shopping, work commitments, social activities for the children, and then just taking a breath for yourself can be exhausting.

30% of parents are worried about keeping children safe during breakfast time…are you?

30% of parents are worried about keeping children safe during breakfast time…are you?

Even the most organised mums can find themselves rushing around in the morning, trying to make sure everything is packed, and that children are sent off to school or nursery on time (ish).

So it’s little wonder that the breakfast time rush has been found to put children in danger, according to a survey of UK parents by Child Accident Prevention Trust (CAPT).

Can’t sleep, won’t sleep! How to help your child sleep through the night

Can’t sleep, won’t sleep! How to help your child sleep through the night

With the weather changing a few times a day and the Easter holidays just behind us,  there is a mix of reasons why your child may struggle to sleep through the night.

Watch today’s video to see how you can help your child stop waking in the night so you can also get a decent night’s sleep.

Online tutoring: a convenient and fun way for children to learn

Online tutoring: a convenient and fun way for children to learn

We all share a desire to give our children the best possible opportunities to succeed and to reach their full potential – it’s just that juggling the commitments of our own work and of current after-school activities can make this hard to achieve.

Adding more activities to your child’s schedule can mean losing out on something in your life, or your child may miss out on some much needed downtime.

Is it a good idea to buy your child a Kindle, iPad or any other tablet?

Is it a good idea to buy your child a Kindle, iPad or any other tablet?

Children these days know technology like no other. Just give a toddler a phone or tablet and, somehow, they know how to work their way around it effortlessly. This has its pros and cons, and that’s another article altogether!

The question is, however, should we buy children Kindles, iPads and other tablets?

How to get along with your child’s teacher

How to get along with your child’s teacher

While you don’t have to metamorph into one of those mums who sickingly worship the ground that their child’s class teacher walks on, having a good relationship with he or she can ale a world of difference to how your child gets on.

If you just can’t work out how to have a happy medium the following video from a headteacher will show you how to approach it:

What to do when your child hates school

What to do when your child hates school

With the half term underway for most children this week, it’s a great time for parents to spend more time with the kids and just have a good chat about things.

If your child has been struggling at school and has been miserable this is a good time to talk through their concerns without the stress of school itself and the school run.

Watch the following video for tips on how to deal with the issue:

How to stop young children making costly in-app purchases on your mobile phone or tablet

How to stop young children making costly in-app purchases on your mobile phone or tablet

This year, mobile app revenues are set to make in excess of £20bn, according to research firm Garner. Is that money being contributed to by in-app purchases your child is making without your awareness?

Why is it happening?
It may seem strange that a four or five year old child can amass a small fortune worth of purchases when they don’t have the email password  or understanding about buying on your tablet. And this is precisely why the Office of Fair Trading investigated the issue for five months, investigating 38 games.

How to make your childcare and activities for the kids cost less

How to make your childcare and activities for the kids cost less

Raising a family today costs parents thousands of pounds every year, but there are ways to reduce that cost if you know how.

If you could save money on childcare and the club’s and activities you enrol your children into, that money could go a long way and be used on other essentials.

Here are just three things you can do to reign back some of your hard earned money:

How to avoid high bills when you give your child a mobile phone

How to avoid high bills when you give your child a mobile phone

Children are so engrained in technology these days, it’s often easy for them to run rings around less tech savvy parents…until the mobile phone bill lands on your doormat!

If you’ve had to give your child a mobile phone because they are travelling to and from school but are worried that they may rack up the phone bill, you should watch this video for some tips:

Can you potty train on holiday? Here’s how…

Can you potty train on holiday? Here’s how…

Potty training a child at home can be a mixed bag, but what if a holiday comes up? Do you stop potty training, or take it with you?

We all need a holiday some time, and sometimes a deal is too good to miss on account of potty training.

But it also doesn’t have to mean that you stop potty training either, especially if your holiday comes up while when you’ve just turned the corner with potty training. Here are some tips:

How to keep your home tidy during the school summer holidays

How to keep your home tidy during the school summer holidays

Who knew children can create so much mess. From using multiple cups, to endless piles of washing, the school summer holidays can create a battlefield at home.

August is here, but there still is a good four weeks to go until schools open again. How do you make sure the mess doesn’t drive everyone to distraction? Here are some tips:

5 things for your child to do instead of watching TV

5 things for your child to do instead of watching TV

TV is used by many a parent as a cheap babysitter, but it’s a double-edged sword, because children who watch a lot of TV have trouble keeping themselves entertained, which in the long run makes your job harder!

If you’re trying to limit the amount of TV viewing in your household, you might need a little inspiration. Try these activities to keep the kids busy… at least for a little while!

How to choose a nursery for your child

Choosing suitable childcare is the one of the biggest steps every working mum makes towards returning to work. Most mums are racked with guilt, worry and a bit of anxiety (sometimes at the same time!) at the thought if leaving their child with total strangers.

If you take the necessary steps to choosing the best childcare for your child you’ll be able to go to work with a sound mind and your child should flourish. Today’s video shows you just how to do this.

8 top tips from real mums about what becoming a new mum

8 top tips from real mums about what becoming a new mum

From old wives tales to books and research about the best way to take care of your new baby, it seems everyone has something to say about something that you now feel you know little about.

If truth be told, you are the best person to make decisions about your new baby and how you want to feed him or her, whether you use the controlled crying method or cradle him to sleep, and when and how you start weaning.

This video has eight wonderful tips from real mums about motherhood that will inspire and empower you to make the right decisions for you and your baby.