10 Insider Tips from a Journalist Every Working Mum Needs to Hear

10 Insider Tips from a Journalist Every Working Mum Needs to Hear

Let’s be honest: Being a working mum feels like spinning ten plates while balancing on a tightrope. Deadlines, school runs, packed lunches, forgotten PE kits, and somehow finding time to eat (let alone breathe) — it’s enough to make anyone feel frazzled.

But here’s the thing: after 20 years as a journalist and almost that long as a mum, I’ve learned a few tricks. Not just surface-level tips, but real, practical strategies that have kept me afloat during those chaotic seasons. So, grab a coffee (or reheat it for the third time) and let me share 10 game-changing tips every working mum needs to hear.

No, you can’t shorten my name! Or try to tell me how to pronounce it!

No, you can’t shorten my name! Or try to tell me how to pronounce it!

Is it just me or does anyone else want to scratch something when someone tries to change their name? So, ny name is Joycellyn. It’s pronounced in two syllables: ‘Joyce’ ‘Llyn’. My experience is that many people hear me introduce my name and stop me part way because they think they know what it is: ‘Joyce’. No! ‘Jocelyn’ (pronounced, ‘Jo’ ‘Sir’ ‘Lin’. That’s not my name!

That time I was harassed at work

That time I was harassed at work

Every other news story this past month seems to be about the inappropriate behaviour of men in sectors from film (aka the alleged Harvey Weinstein) to politics. Industry big wigs seem to have, for years, got away with treating women any way they wish.

Some critics have blamed women for dressing inappropriately, not standing up for themselves and even for putting themselves in a vulnerable situation themselves.

Need somewhere to escape to on Mother’s Day? The Travelodge room review

Need somewhere to escape to on Mother’s Day? The Travelodge room review

When it comes to Mother’s Day, chocolates, flowers and perfume are a kind gesture, but we could all do with some me time away from the family just to recharge, rest and do whatever (or nothing) we want to do.

While going away for a spa break may not be feasible for everyone this weekend, when you need a night away, something simple, clean and relaxing I tried last weekend was a stay at the Travelodge in Convent Garden in one of their newly refurbished rooms.

Rubbish myths about women in business

Rubbish myths about women in business

We live in a world where people like to put other people into a box. Being a working mum comes high on that list…if I had a pound for every time someone told me (not asked me) how difficult it must be, I would have a nice little fund for my caramel lattes for the rest of my working life.

Being a mum in business is no different. Here are some of the ridiculous myths, and the real truth.

When technology fails, the traditional methods are the best

When technology fails, the traditional methods are the best

With so many different colours and shapes, the Post-it® Brand from 3M is perfect for adding personality, emotion and individuality to your handwritten notes.

Sometimes, technology just doesn’t cut it, and we need something to write important notes and reminders on that won’t fail us when our battery deism or we haven’t backed up the information we need.

Is the iPhone overrated?

Is the iPhone overrated?

In a word, yes!

Many years ago, I was a Blackberry supporter. I upgraded to every Curve model, and even succumbed to the Torch for touchscreen finesse when it came out.

Then the worst thing that could happen, happened. My phone kept on freezing and crashing all day everyday. I got it replaced not once, twice, thrice, four times but an infuriating five times and then I threw in the towel (and a major wobbly!).

Working from home: flexible working gets another knock by another high profile mum

Working from home is is less frowned upon these days in most industries than a few years ago, when it was seen as an excuse to skive at home.

Thankfully, many employes see i’s merits and this often gives many employees the work-life balance they need while remaining productive.

Did you listen in to the radio debate about childcare costs on Radio Five Live last night?

Did you listen in to the radio debate about childcare costs on Radio Five Live last night?

It amazes me how people feel that families shouldn’t have children if they can’t afford childcare. Imagine what would happen if every woman in the land today decided that they would rather go on a beach holiday, have weekly Botox and spend their salary on designer shoes instead of having a child? Roll forward 39 or 40 years and you can imagine what the economy would really look like, right?

I am more than a mother: tips on having a life while  being a successful a working (and a good!) mum

I am more than a mother: tips on having a life while being a successful a working (and a good!) mum

When you’re a busy working mum, it can be easy to get so engrossed in motherhood that your other relationships begin to suffer. It’s not intentional, but you barely even have enough time in your busy day to take a minute for yourself, let alone return phone calls or make friendly visits that aren’t child-centred or important family occasions.