Use LinkedIn to find your dream job this year

Use LinkedIn to find your dream job this year

If you’re not using LinkedIn you really are missing a trick. Make it one of your tasks for this week – today if you have the time – to get your profile up and live. It really doesn’t take very long, and you can tweak and prune it as you go along. You can find out in our ‘How to find a job using social network site LinkedIn‘ article.

So – why should you be on LinkedIn when looking for a new job? Keep reading to find out why:

The four relationship New Year’s resolutions you should be making for 2015

The four relationship New Year’s resolutions you should be making for 2015

As the year draws to a close and we all start to reflect on the past twelve months, resolutions to transform or improve your life within the following year are hot on your mind. However, many of us forget about the other areas in our lives that could also use some work and attention.

How to deal with the stress of family this Christmas

Christmas the time of year that everyone above the age of fourteen becomes stressed, tired and skint. So when the big day finally comes around and the house is full of friends, relatives and those family members you spend all year trying to avoid, things can quickly become chaos.

The working mum’s guide to car finance

The working mum’s guide to car finance

Owning a car has become an important aspect of modern day life. They provide the freedom to go where you like, whenever you like, and also play a vital role in getting people from a to b, whether it be to and from work or perhaps to a doctor’s appointment

For these reasons and many more, affordable car finance has become a popular way to buy a car without a single lump payment. The way to do this has vastly changed over the years and it’s now more accessible than ever before.

Employers should develop mothers, finds study

Employers should develop mothers, finds study

A new study of 2,000 working women has revealed that six out of 10 think their careers are ‘derailed;’ citing that they face open discrimination after becoming pregnant, while less experienced colleagues have been promoted ahead of them.

The research was commissioned by law firm Slater & Gordon, which represents hundreds of women fighting maternity discrimination across the country each year.

Free English and maths workshops for children

Free English and maths workshops for children

Of all the subjects that children learn throughout their school lives, the two most important are English and maths. Forget about the classical studies, philosophy and the like – if you can’t read and write, or do basic sums, life can be a little more difficult in the real world.

30% of parents are worried about keeping children safe during breakfast time…are you?

30% of parents are worried about keeping children safe during breakfast time…are you?

Even the most organised mums can find themselves rushing around in the morning, trying to make sure everything is packed, and that children are sent off to school or nursery on time (ish).

So it’s little wonder that the breakfast time rush has been found to put children in danger, according to a survey of UK parents by Child Accident Prevention Trust (CAPT).

Are you a mum in business? We want to hear from you!

Are you a mum in business? We want to hear from you!

Calling all mums in business. We want to hear your story if your business has been running for more than a year.

How did you start out? How did you fund your business? How have you managed to run your business and juggle the demands of family life?

Complete the short form fellow and we’ll share your story with output 105,000-plus mums.

coffee burns fat

Could you survive the Slim.Fast challenge?

Now that the weather is warming up (a little), the reminder that summer isn’t far off is not far from most of our minds – especially where those jiggly bits are concerned.
Losing weight can be such a chore, so we’re always up for finding ways to make it as easy as possible. Here’s what one of our reader’s found a week’s challenge, compliments of Slim.Fast:

Video: how to make a studded or embellished shirt collar

Video: how to make a studded or embellished shirt collar

Keeping up with the latest fashion can be costly. If you’re smart, you’ll be cutting back and saving as much money as you can in 2014. And one way to do that is with a little DIY where possible – even clothes.

Watch today’s video on how to make a studded shirt collar. If you have a fashion-conscious daughter, this is a nice project you can do together.

Learn to talk to yourself in 2014

Learn to talk to yourself in 2014

There is a saying that talking to oneself is the first sign of madness, but self-talk can be a great step to take when you want to make yourself happy.

I’m not suggesting for a moment that you sit on the train or bus having a full-on conversation with yourself…that probably would be madness, so here is how to do it.

Fun games for working mums top play on a girls’ night in

Fun games for working mums top play on a girls’ night in

Working mothers often find themselves needing to relax and unwind after a long day of work and caring for the kids. After they have gone to bed for the night, many mums turn to online casino games that they can play in order to help them de-stress and have some fun.

It can also be a cheap(er) way to do something different indoors with the girls, on nights when the babysitter can’t make it – hey, if you can’t get to Vegas, then bring a little Vegas style to your night in! Here are the games that are often chosen by working mothers:

How to keep your child’s teeth healthy

How to keep your child’s teeth healthy

The cost of dental care can be prohibitive. The high price of visiting the dentist prevents many adults from taking good care of their teeth as they commonly report. Maintenance work such as fillings and tooth extraction, not to mention cosmetic work will put a large dent in your wallet.

However when it comes to the health of your child’s teeth, you will want to ensure that their teeth and gums are healthy for a lifetime. Poor dental health can have a detrimental effect on nutrition and self-image if the problems are cosmetic.

Oops I did it again! What do do when you send out an email you shouldn’t

We’ve all done it before…pressed the send button and then realised that the email was too harsh,  or included not so complimentary comments about one of the people on the recipients’ list.

Short of damaging your professional standing in your company for life, this is one of those moments that you just can’t take back…or can you?

How to write an invoice

How to write an invoice

Writing an invoice for the first time can be a daunting prospect. How do you claim the money for work, services or products supplied in a professional looking manner, and make it so that the receiver pays on time – or at all?

There really is nothing to fear, though. Once you’ve bashed out your first invoice, you’ll see how easy it is. You just need to make sure key information is present on your invoice – the product and/or services for which you are charging and the cost, your company name, address, bank account number for bank transfers, VAT number (if you have one).

The following video tutorial will give you some more detail into invoices and how to prepare one: