Pregnant at between 28-38 weeks pregnant? Get the whooping cough jab now

Pregnant at between 28-38 weeks pregnant? Get the whooping cough jab now

Pregnant women between 28-38 weeks pregnant are being asked to get vaccinated against whooping cough (pertussis). This is due to a sharp rise in the number of whooping cough cases in the UK, and eight babies dying from whooping cough recently.

6 ways to distribute your business leaflets, flyers and brochures and their success rates

6 ways to distribute your business leaflets, flyers and brochures and their success rates

Offline marketing methods are still important to small businesses. Even with all the hoo ha about social media, if you’re trying to target a local audience, then things like flyers, brochures, business cards etc still work!

However, the best-produced brochure on the planet is going to be useless unless it is distributed effectively. So what is the key to effective distribution?

Help! How can I  start an online business with no technical skills or knowledge?

Help! How can I start an online business with no technical skills or knowledge?

If I had a pound for every mum who thinks her lack or technical understanding, skill or knowledge means she cannot start an online business, I’d be writing this from a beach I own somewhere on an island only I knew existed.

If that’s what you’ve been telling yourself, get ready for a complete transformation of your thinking!

5 job interview no-nos that will get you sacked before you’ve even started the job

5 job interview no-nos that will get you sacked before you’ve even started the job

Whether you’re preparing for a job interview after a redundancy, just looking to change your job for one that pays more, or are returning to work after a break looking after the kids, getting the basics right on your CV is only the first step to you getting your next job.

What would you do if you were made redundant from your job today?

What would you do if you were made redundant from your job today?

It used to be the case that people could get a job and expect to stay there for as long as they wished. But with the current economic climate, the job for life is no longer guaranteed…but that’s not necessarily a bad thing. It just means that you have to be prepared for the possibility of a redundancy so that it doesn’t have a compete negative impact, should it happen to you.

Are you worried about how energy bills are affecting your home business?

Are you worried about how energy bills are affecting your home business?

Gas costs are something that an increasing number of businesses based in the UK are worried about.

A survey by OnePoll about the cost of energy used by companies across the country revealed that a staggering 51% of respondents were concerned about price rises that could be detrimental to their finances.

Is job-hopping and career success related to each other?

Is job-hopping and career success related to each other?

These days, there is no such things as a job for life, unless you choose to create it yourself…but that doesn’t mean that recruiters turn a blind eye to CVs that show a lack of commitment to work.

Job hoppers do it for various reasons. More often than not they may not know what they are getting into when they agree to work for an employer and then stick it out for as short a time as possible before they leave so they can clock as much time as possible on their CV to avoid awkward questions.

Mumpreneur Business Directory – tell our 105,000-plus mums about your products and services

Mumpreneur Business Directory – tell our 105,000-plus mums about your products and services

Having an online business that only you, your friends and family know about is like having a shop in the middle of nowhere that people only come across by accident.

You want get enough traffic, let Lone make those all-important sales and soon it will become very demotivating indeed.

Fussy eaters – when children won’t eat what the rest of the family are eating

Fussy eaters – when children won’t eat what the rest of the family are eating

Hands up those of us who have had fussy eaters in the family at one time or another?

Of the many people I work with, mums and dads often come to see me because they want their babies/children to enjoy a good healthy relationship with food. It is a very fortunate parent whose baby/child/teenager eats most things and they are, sadly, in the minority.

10 ways to impress your boss and get that promotion you deserve

10 ways to impress your boss and get that promotion you deserve

Are you tired of promotions passing you by? Do you wish you were more respected by your colleagues and your boss?

It takes more than doing the job to stand out in the workplace. Here are some tips on becoming irreplaceable in your workplace and getting a promotion.

Tips on advertising your business online for free or for next to nothing

Tips on advertising your business online for free or for next to nothing

Once you have started your business, the next thing that you are going to want to do is to advertise your product or service so that you can get more customers. If you leave it to word of mouth only at the beginning, business will likely be slow and this can be demotivating and financially crippling,

Most small businesses have a very limited (or non-existent) advertising budget. If that shoestring is so thin and you really can’t afford to pay out for much-needed advertising, here are some free and cheap ways to advertise your business online.

Are you being mistreated at work? Find out what taking your employer to tribunal involve?

Are you being mistreated at work? Find out what taking your employer to tribunal involve?

Being mistreated at work can make life stressful. Forever feeling anxious and unable to relax because you know that your boss or colleague is always just one step away of turning that knife again can make an already hectic life as a working mum feel impossible.

So, do you just walk away, or should you show your employer that they shouldn’t mistreat employees, so they don’t do it again? The legal way to do it (as much as the thought of wiping output the company’s entire computer records may seem like worthy payback!) is to take them to a tribunal.

How playing board games can help your children get back into the swing of things

How playing board games can help your children get back into the swing of things

As the school summer holidays come to an end, it’s getting harder to fill the final days.
Have you tried playing board games? They are a great way to not only have some fun as a family, but to save some money, too!

Selecting a game for the family be a little tricky if you have kids at different developmental stages, so start by choosing a board game that your youngest child play – newborns excluded.

Pregnant? know your rights – don’t get ripped off at work!

Pregnant? know your rights – don’t get ripped off at work!

In an ideal world, every employer would do their best to ensure that their pregnant employees are well looked after – or at least ensure that their legal obligations to them are met.

But, for many pregnant women, announcing a pregnancy can be the start of difficult times, with employers working out ways to make them feel so uncomfortable that they feel they have no choice but to leave. Things that employers should know better about doing when they have an expectant mum in the workplace…

Don’t stay in a job you hate with no get-put plan! Start a part-time business

Running around doing the school and/or nursery run can be the straw that breaks the camel’s back for many mums…

When you work and have to catch a certain train, or do early morning meetings, or face a hefty fine from your childcare provider if you are a millisecond late (again!) to pick up your little one, all the military precision juggling can take its toll.

Working from home: a plan of action, a plan for your ultimate success

Working from home: a plan of action, a plan for your ultimate success

Many people wrongly think that working from home will give them the flexibility to work when they want, and how they want all the time. For them, the dream can mean ignoring the alarm clock and getting up whenever they want to get up.

Yes, running your own business from home means you are your own boss, but if you go into it with the same mindset as London Mayor Boris Johnson thinking that you can just skive at home eating cheese, then you’re in for a very rude awakening.

How to stay positive in your business when your spouse or partner is unsupportive

How to stay positive in your business when your spouse or partner is unsupportive

Started an online business can be an exciting and daunting prospect, but when you’ve got no support from those nearest and dearest to you it can feel like an uphill struggle.

So – before you start thinking divorce, or ditching your business altogether, here are some tips to help you make the most out of your situation when your spouse or partner seems to have no care in the world.