Podcast: Has LGBTQ in Schools Gone Too Far?
How to Deal with Criticism at Work Without Losing Your Cool
Hands up if it grates you when you know someone really needs to know something about the way they work or their actions, but you can’t tell them because you know their reaction will leave you feeling like a villain.
Learning how to respond to criticism, and how to deal with the negative things that people say to us is a sign of maturity and personal development. Not everyone comes out of the womb with this gift – but it doesn’t mean we can’t cultivate it or develop it.
Podcast: How Can Couples Budget Without Fighting?
Office workers can suffer workplace injuries, too
When most people think of on-the-job injuries, they think of those that take place in “dangerous” jobs, such as construction, law enforcement, factory work, and the like. And while it’s true that severe or fatal injuries are more likely to occur in environments where workers have to use heavy equipment or deal with unpredictable circumstances, those who work in “sedentary” jobs, such as office workers, are just as much at risk for a workplace injury.
Podcast: How to apply for flexible working – the proper way
5 things for your child to do instead of watching TV
TV is used by many a parent as a cheap babysitter, but it’s a double-edged sword, because children who watch a lot of TV have trouble keeping themselves entertained, which in the long run makes your job harder!
If you’re trying to limit the amount of TV viewing in your household, you might need a little inspiration. Try these activities to keep the kids busy… at least for a little while!
Podcast: Are you trading from the right business entity?
Are you thinking of starting a business but don’t know whether to set up as a limited company or declare self-employed income to the taxman?
How to get started with affiliate marketing
If you are looking for quick and easier ways to make money online because you’re struggling to come up with an idea or to raise funds for your business idea, then you should certainly think about affiliate marketing.
Affiliate marketing is basically selling other people’s products, and making a commission. It’s very similar to direct selling, but affiliate marketing online can mean selling anything from ebooks to health and beauty products so there is bound to be something you’ll enjoy promoting.
Join the Mothers Who Work Club today and get a free picket mirror (RRP £3.50)
Have you joined the Mothers Who Work Club? If not, you’re missing out on video tutorials, tips, advice, workbooks and downloadable guides that will take your online business to the next level. And if you already have a business, you’re missing out on learning how you can grow your customer base even further and make more money.
10 places to take the kids out to eat at the weekends or during the next half term
Want to know which restaurants Mothers Who Work thinks are the most family friendly? Find out with this list!
Are you just about recovering from the expense of the school summer holidays and thinking about cheaper ways to please the kids this school half term?
Struggling with homework? Find out how to make homework less of a challenge for your children and less stressful for you
Are you a working mum who is struggling to make homework fun for your children, and keep them motivated? Do you feel like your child takes two, three and even four times longer than their peers?
Here are three key issues and what busy working mums can do about it:
How to turn your hobby/creative idea into a viable home business
There are many entrepreneurs today who have set up a business from home selling items that they make or customise themselves. Anything from iPhone covers to jewellery can be turned into a profitable business through sites such as eBay and Etsy. But if you’re thinking of starting a creative business where do you start?
Are you stressing your kids out with too many activities outside school?
We all know at least one mum who gets a thrill out of sharing the number of activities her children are involved in. Ballet, piano lessons, ballroom dancing, pottery…it’s a wonder their child has time for school. But how do you get the balance right?
It is important to engage children in a variety of activities to stimulate their mind and body, but it’s also important to avoid over-scheduling them with too many activities in their daily lives. So just how do you get that all-important balance?
I am more than a mother: tips on having a life while being a successful a working (and a good!) mum
When you’re a busy working mum, it can be easy to get so engrossed in motherhood that your other relationships begin to suffer. It’s not intentional, but you barely even have enough time in your busy day to take a minute for yourself, let alone return phone calls or make friendly visits that aren’t child-centred or important family occasions.
Divorce and the family business: what the law says about family businesses and what happens after break up
Michelle Mone seemingly has it all – founder of the successful Ultimo bra company, married with three children and living a jet-set lifestyle which takes her all over the world to promote her business, which is worth an estimated £50m.
So the news earlier this year that Mone was to split from her long term husband and business partner Michael came as a major shock. In interviews in February Mone described how her hectic schedule had effectively left her and her husband as only business partners, and how their split had left them living in separate wings of their substantial family home.
About automatic enrolment pensions: what you need to know if you employ staff
If you run a business in the UK you’ll likely to be aware of the term Now Pensions auto enrolment, as this is the main plank in the government’s controversial changes to workplace pension legislation, which is due to begin properly this year.
Business tips for single mums and lone parents
There are few – if any – roles in life harder than being a single mother. Looking after and caring for a child is hard enough, let alone doing so with the added burden of having to earn to make ends meet. Then there’s the fact that for many single mothers, these roles have to be done individually.
The working mum’s guide to organising a children’s party…stress free and on a budget
If you have school-age children (or nursery age children, for that matter!), the chances are your child has been invited to a party or two. And once they get a taste for it, they’ll likely want one, too.
Planning a children’s party seems like a doddle, right? Remember those pre-baby days when you used to host every good dinner or night out going…this should be a breeze, right?
Are you a hairdresser or salon owner? Chair rentals will not be VAT exempt from Oct 1st
Hair salons are being reminded that renting chairs to a hairdresser will not be VAT exempt as of October 1st 2012 under measures announced by HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC).