racism in schools

Podcast – How to Teach Children About Racism With Paula Rhone-Adrien

I speak with the award-winning black barrister and family law expert, Paula Rhone-Adrien about how we can teach children about racism and why we should. Paula is also a mum of four, and she shares some refreshing insight into the issue, which will be an eye-opener for parents and educators of all races!

Learning from the big C

Podcast – Learning From the Big ‘C’

She’s like the new recruit at work that just blows his own trumpet and makes everything about him: Corona! You know the type – acts like he knows everything under the sun about not only the job, the industry but the world! He makes everyone believe his hype and that what he says is gospel…

We won’t get not the politics, the medical evidence, conspiracy theories or anything like that here! Not because I want to sit on the fence on those issues – I really don’t. But it’s because I want to focus on the learning outcomes. This is the one area we have some control over.

Podcast: Mindfulness in the Workplace

Podcast: Mindfulness in the Workplace

Mindfulness is one of those buzzwords that seems to be here to stay. The Collins dictionary describes mindfulness as: “A mental state achieved by focusing one’s awareness on the present moment, while calmly acknowledging and accepting one’s feelings, thoughts, and bodily sensations, used as a therapeutic technique.”In this podcast recording, I speak with mindfulness expert, Audrey Tang about what mindfulness actually means and how to use mindfulness techniques in the workplace.
What Does Super Mario Have to Do with Business Failure?

What Does Super Mario Have to Do with Business Failure?

‘Failure’ should not be a dirty word. It really shouldn’t. But for many, the fear of failure can be the main reason why there is no motivation even to try, to take that first step. It really shouldn’t be. Let’s have that determination to keep taking another step and never to give up. The courage to keep trying is why I use the example of playing Super Mario (you’ll understand it better when you listen to the podcast!)
Podcast: Has LGBTQ in Schools Gone Too Far?

Podcast: Has LGBTQ in Schools Gone Too Far?

A recent petition on Change.org asked for parents to take back control of sex education. It seems that some parents have lost a lot of the insight into what's being discussed about LGBTQ in schools. Should parents take back the control, or is a petition taking too far?
Podcast: How Can Couples Budget Without Fighting?

Podcast: How Can Couples Budget Without Fighting?

While today may well be Valentine’s Day - the one day in the year when couples are supposed to be loved up - for the rest of the year, it may not all be roses and chocolates!  
According to research, money problems are pitted as one of the main causes of divorce and breakups - often ahead of infidelity and other issues. 
A recent poll of more than 2,000 British adults by legal firm Slater and Gordon last year, pitted money worries top the list of reasons why married couples split up. One in five of couples say it was the biggest cause of marital strife. 
Heidi Allan from financial wellbeing experts, Neyber, joins Mothers Who Work on today’s podcast to help mums avoid fights and disagreements about money.
read a book a day

No time to read? Here’s how you can read a book a day

Yes – we all know the excuses (reasons) why we can’t read. We are busy working, or sorting out the children, or too tired, or need to help someone in the house do something. But the truth is, reading doesn’t mean you have to stop everything you’re doing.

According to a recent YouGov survey, a staggering 4 million adults don’t read for pleasure. If you’re one of these statistics and want to change that, then audiobooks are the way forward.

Podcast: Sunshine through the rain – Lorena Oberg talks success after acrimonious divorce

Podcast: Sunshine through the rain – Lorena Oberg talks success after acrimonious divorce

Divorce can be tough no matter how grown up you and your other half choose to be about it. But when it’s acrimonious and you don’t have a penny to your name, and you need to stay afloat so you can keep your children, what do you do? Well, start a business – of course!

How to not let your colleagues make you feel like a skiver

How to not let your colleagues make you feel like a skiver

There’s nothing more irritating than doing your job (really well!), working your contracted hours and being made to feel like you’re doing something wrong because you’re leaving on time.

But how do you manage that when you’re colleagues are constantly making comments that make you feel like you’re letting the side down, or aren’t doing enough?

Podcast: Tax breaks and allowances for homeworkers and mumpreneurs

Podcast: Tax breaks and allowances for homeworkers and mumpreneurs

Did you know that you can claim tax on your utility bills if you work from home? Did you know that you can claim tax on that mobile phone you took out just for business?

claimable tax expensesWhether you’re self-employed or own a limited company, thee are tax breaks that many of us are unsure of the legality of claiming, or don’t know at all.

Listen to this podcast with mum, accountant and partner of Wellers Accountants Norma Stewart to find out what you should be claiming, and start clawing back something from the tax man in time for the January online tax return deadline.

Podcast: Understanding the flat-rate VAT scheme

Podcast: Understanding the flat-rate VAT scheme

The government has set out a flat-rate VAT scheme to help smaller businesses claim and charge VAT without having to earn a threshold amount. Find out more about the scheme and how you can claw back some money in today's podcast with mum, accountant and partner of Wellers Accountants, Norma Stewart.
Podcast: Self-employed or a limited company? How to choose the right business entity to trade from

Podcast: Self-employed or a limited company? How to choose the right business entity to trade from

Are you thinking of starting a business but don't know whether to set up as a limited company or declare self-employed income to the taxman? 20111206-112902.jpgIn the first of a three-part business finance series with mum, accountant, and partner of Weller Accountants Norma Stewart, we find out the pros and cons of both and what you really need to know about choosing your trading entity before you sign on the dotted line.