get over working mum guilt

How to get over working mum guilt

Whether it’s dropping your child at a nursery and hearing the screeching as you leave (and trying to stop the mascara ruining your work makeup); or feeling guilty that you have to miss your child’s assembly or Sport’s Day (yet again) we’ve all been there.
Feeling guilty about having to go to work – or wanting to go to work in the first place – is quite normal. However, it doesn’t have to be all doom and gloom. Here are some tips to reduce the working mum guilt.
If you fall, I will catch you

If you fall, I will catch you

At some point, we all need to grow up and can’t be the little sister, little cousin or the baby anymore. We now have babies of our own to coo coo over!

Two years ago, when my Mum passed away, it was life changing. I went from knowing she’d always be at the end of the phone (several times a day) – forever my cheerleader – to not knowing who to call. No group of people combined could replace her. 

Survival tips for fantastically busy working mums

Survival tips for fantastically busy working mums

Are you a mum who sets yourself crazy high standards? It takes a lot to be the amazing, domestic goddess and a career high flyer too are. Here are some tips to help you become an even more successful working mum, without reaching the limit (if you have more tips – send them in – sharing is caring).

What’s wrong with being a Billy (or a Betty) no mates?

What’s wrong with being a Billy (or a Betty) no mates?

I had an amazing conversation with one of my favourite cousins recently (you know who you are, Canada! Lol), and we spoke about what can happen to friendships when you start a business. The main focus of our conversation was the fact that when you start a business, priorities and interests can change or become more time consuming, affecting relationships.

authentic your authentic self

How to cope when people don’t like your authentic self

Do you feel like you need to put up a front because you feel (or know) that people just won’t accept your authentic self? This is something that hardly ever gets spoken about. We are exposed to so many images of how we should be and act, how we should look and dress, what we should like and buy…what about what we want to do?
No, you can’t shorten my name! Or try to tell me how to pronounce it!

No, you can’t shorten my name! Or try to tell me how to pronounce it!

Is it just me or does anyone else want to scratch something when someone tries to change their name? So, ny name is Joycellyn. It’s pronounced in two syllables: ‘Joyce’ ‘Llyn’. My experience is that many people hear me introduce my name and stop me part way because they think they know what it is: ‘Joyce’. No! ‘Jocelyn’ (pronounced, ‘Jo’ ‘Sir’ ‘Lin’. That’s not my name!

Weekendvy and the lies told about the weekend

Weekendvy and the lies told about the weekend

It’s not often we get a survey sent to Mother Who Work Towers that make me chuckle. In this case, my fit of giggles was in the knowing that some of the results must be true!

The years of working in the media and cringing whenever someone asks what my weekend was like, and the truth is that is was filled with child or baby-related activities I knew would bore most people to hear about, but was a special moment for me and my hubby.

How to love your work when you can’t change your job

How to love your work when you can’t change your job

Despite common belief, it’s not always easy to move jobs when you fall out of love with it. Whether it’s because there just isn’t anything else available in a small town, or because you need to upskill or get more qualifications (that you’re either working on or can’t afford to pay for) there are a number of reasons why a job change may not easily be on the cards.

So, besides throwing the towel in or sinking into panic mode every time you walk into your workplace, what can you do about it?

#Ditch the New Year's Resolutions

Forget new year’s resolutions – draw your life instead

Every year, half the planet probably draws up a list of must-dos. You can guess them already, can’t you? The infamous bucket-list of things to do that will revolutionalise a part of or all of our existence. Nah!

Come the end of January, when all the guilt of slipping up on the faddy diet, ditching that impossible exercise regime, telling your boss to take a hike and whatever else, we’re either consumed with guilt (for a millisecond) or have given up completely. at this point, the gym membership, exercise equipment ad smoothie blenders are taking up much-needed space.