Thyroid and tiredness in women
Why You Should Stay Optimistic – Even Now!
It can sometimes be hard to stay optimistic after the past couple of years battling Covid-19 and its resulting lockdowns. Despite this, we still have plenty to be pessimistic about!
However, it is worth making the extra effort to stay optimistic. Having a positive outlook on life can make you happier and more energetic. Here are a few reasons to remain optimistic:
5 Work-Related Stress Busters You Can Start Anytime
Stress; everyone experiences this from time to time. You may be so stressed out about your job that it makes you sick or can cause extreme tension in your relationship. Stress is a major cause of health problems, leading to job absenteeism and lost productivity. It can also cause other health issues and sickness.
That’s why it’s recommended you turn to some of the stress-busters outlined below. These are techniques that you can use, no matter what type of work environment you are in.
The Best Places to Sell Unwanted Presents
It’s official, Christmas is over, and we have well and truly started 2021! Some of us have still got the Christmas tree out (with everything that’s going one, clinging on to a bit of cheer is not such a bad thing!).
But there are some things we really want to get rid of – those unwanted gifts we just didn’t have the heart to give back, or regift. With the country in a national lockdown, it’s not even possible to slip down the high street and swap the burden for a gift voucher. So now what?
Having a relaxation area at home is vital
Life can get pretty hectic at the worst of times, and the most effective and reliable way to let yourself relax and recalibrate is simply by turning your home into your very own safe haven. And now that there’s a growing influx of people transitioning into working from home, having a relaxing home environment is becoming more vital to maintaining a work-life balance too.
Want Smoother Skin? It Could Be Yours with Botox.
Having a youthful appearance is something that most women desire, irrespective of one’s age, job and position in life. Is it wrong to wish for something that can be achieved? Never.
During the lockdown, you may have been trying several home remedies and just about any beauty hack you could get your hands on to get your desired youthful look. Be it for Zoom meetings, Facetime – or just so you could recognise yourself in the mirror – you were not there! But has it all gone in vain?
4 Ways to Make Returning to Work After Maternity Leave as Painless (and Stress-Free)as Possible
Returning to work after maternity leave can have mixed feelings. I know this for sure because my sentiments were quite different after each of my two maternity leaves.
For our first child, I remember crying all the way to the train station. It was nothing, in particular, just the thought of leaving him with anyone, compounded by the guilt at even thinking about heading back to work, leaving my first fruits with complete strangers.
5 Top Tricks and Tips for Making New Habits Stick
Imagine if everything that needs effort in life ran on autopilot; how fab would it be to have a change of pace. Not having to remember to do chores, go to the gym or exercise, get to work, and stay on top of finances and everything that keeps us up at night.
Let’s get back to reality and hope that technology meets up to our dreams of doing nothing, very soon! Unless you can get Alexa, Siri or Google to put in that daily grind for you on automate, these daily tasks are not just simply going to disappear. However, if you programme some habits into your daily routine, you can reduce much of the stress and struggle from your day.
With a little bit of discipline, we can all create new habits that require low maintenance – and what a perfect time to get started with that, at the start of a new year and new decade!
Ten Tips for Avoiding Temptation at Work
Power Plate Update: The Exercise Tool that Just Keeps Vibing!
Podcast: Mindfulness in the Workplace
Put the Buzz Back into your Workout
Podcast: How to Have a Tidy Mind
How to Deal with Criticism at Work Without Losing Your Cool
Hands up if it grates you when you know someone really needs to know something about the way they work or their actions, but you can’t tell them because you know their reaction will leave you feeling like a villain.
Learning how to respond to criticism, and how to deal with the negative things that people say to us is a sign of maturity and personal development. Not everyone comes out of the womb with this gift – but it doesn’t mean we can’t cultivate it or develop it.
Are You Truly Lazy or is Your Willpower to Blame?
Do you feel that you are lazy or do you find that you are just not motivated? Many people will tell you that their motivation is not there and this is why they just feel like being plain lazy.
While being lazy is often viewed as being a sign of weakness it is connected to your willpower. Or more appropriately put, your lack of willpower. So what can you do to improve this?
Why I think children should use an iPhone….all the safety reasons
It’s often suggested that children are given a brick phone when they start going to school independently. This is so that, should they be targetted by thieves, they don’t lose out on an expensive phone. A thief would probably spit at them than to take the phone – and that is safer than being beaten up or stabbed for the latest smartphone.
While I see the logic behind this, I don’t agree. That’s why my son has an iPhone. I probably shouldn’t even be putting it out there for the world to see, but I’ll explain why I would rather he uses a smartphone (and the iPhone is easier because it connects to all my own devices) than a brick.
Never Underestimate the Power of Five Minutes
Do you always feel like you are running from one activity to the next and never seem to get a few moments to yourself? Do you find it hard to schedule in time to take a break?
Never underestimate the importance of five minutes. No matter how busy a day we have, we all have five minutes to spare in our day. That’s the equivalent of just 5 out of 1440 minutes of each day. It can do so much to change our perspective on the pressures of life.
You are strong (enough) to make the right decisions! Believe it, girl.
No-one is born with a stronger willpower than others. This is a skill that can be taught, and knowing how to develop strong willpower can lead to huge rewards in your life. Just think. about your labour story.
For most of us mums, there must have been a point during either the pregnancy or labour (or both, bless us!) that we had had enough and wanted to yank our bundle of joy out. Or those sleepless nights when you just want to disappear for a day to just get a decent night’s sleep and recharge your batteries. But you didn’t give up (or haven’t given up)!
Are you a #bossb*tch or just intimidating without realising it?
Social stereotypes are everywhere and the workplace is no different! It’s amazing how, even in 2018, women as men do not have a level playing field when it comes to their expected behaviours. If a man is assertive in the workplace, he’s a great boss, or an asset to the team, but a woman doing exactly the same is labelled bossy, confrontational or a b*tch.